Nov 272011

I would like to take a second to apologize for my posts being all over the place lately. It seems like I’m posting from my phone more often than not these days and that’s just never good. I mean, not that you guys have come to expect New Yorker-quality syntax and editing on this joint, but you know what I mean.

It took me a month just to recap the haunted houses I want to, I never finished writing about jury duty, the things that happened yesterday in Cleveland are enough to fill up a week’s worth of posts. AND THE APPLES! OH, THE APPLE TALES I HAVE TO TELL! But then I have shit distracting me, like designing an asshole-y Christmas card and using my deaf persona to prank call people. Someone needs to school me on priorities, and fast.

And December is going to be fun, with tons of fodder for this blog, I can feel it. Andrea is flying in late next Friday and she’s staying for an entire WEEK this time.

Hijinx are sure to ensure. I’m having a Pornament Party a week later, where people will come over and desecrate Christmas ornaments and be general, all-around assholes. The Craig Owens solo show is a week later in Cleveland, and I think we’re taking Chooch and Janna along with us this time; Chooch in a new city is always a sight to behold. I’m sorry in advance, Cleveland.

Oh, and then that Christmas thing. Cemetery picnic, holla!

So I will try to be a better blogger, not that I think anyone cares that much about my life (you shouldn’t), but because I get this horrible nagging sensation within me if I don’t get everything down for posterity. It’s a sickness, a mortality thing I guess.

Nineteen years from now, I might desperately need to know every detail about the day I had jury duty so I can save the world, motherfuckers.

But for now, I’m going to luxuriate lazily and think of how excellent yesterday was. I’ll leave you with a video from one of the bands we saw last night. (Henry liked a whopping three out of five bands in the AP Tour lineup!)

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