Feb 032012

Henry went to Chooch’s school today to eat lunch with his class; it was some kind of lame “special people” luncheon or some bullshit. I opted out of this one because isn’t enough I had to sit through a goddamn symphony with parents and now they want me to eat with them, too?

Fuck off.

Henry was talking about the various “special people” that Chooch’s other classmates brought with them.

“And [Blah Blah] brought her mom, some guy I wished I had taken a picture of because he looked like a predator, and another guy that looked like he just came out of a garage.”

“That’s probably what they all say about you,” I mumbled.

“I don’t care. I really don’t.”

On his way back to the house from the lunch, he paused in the parking lot to talk to our neighbor Toya. I know this happened because even with the door and windows closed, I could hear him doing that strangulated dick-in-throat creepster laugh of his.

Hya hya hya HYUK!

“Toya was saying something about how you can pretty much find out shit about anyone just by googling their name* and all I could think was ‘Oh god, please no.'” And then, “If any of [our neighbors] find your blog, I’m going to act like I never knew about it.”

*(Breaking News.)

  One Response to “Friday Night Convo: Googling Special People”

  1. Hot naybor Chris! Omg

Say it don't spray it.

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