Apr 232015

I came home from work and started going through old pictures to re-edit, because it has been A Week, and playing with photos calms my nerves almost as much as wine. Obviously, I’ve been going through Chooch pictures because it’s his birthday on Saturday and I get so fucking weepy and nostalgic every year around this time. He’s almost old enough to be a latchkey kid! SOON HE WILL BE A TEENAGER AND THAT WILL MEAN I’M OLD TOO.

Haha, no it won’t. Peter Pan Syndrome 4 lyfe.

I don’t know. Enjoy some random photos of my kid.

Allegheny-Cemetery_ 065edit


2008 – I WONDER IF BLAKE STILL HAS THAT SHIRT. God, we used to drive Henry nuts with our constant need to listen to DGD in the car. I guess not much has changed, at least on my end.

Apr 15 2012 080edit



2006 – Cemeteries have always been his playground.

Sep 18 2011 045edit



2012 again.


Bonus: When Henry exhibited lightning-quick reflexes to catch Chooch before he pancaked across the ground, circa 2007.

Ugh, I can’t wait for the weeeeeeeekend.

  6 Responses to “Photo Nostalgia: Chooch Edition”

  1. The last one reminds me of my very favorite picture of Chooch!

  2. What this also demonstrates: you are and always were a gifted photographer. As always, I love your work.

  3. Nooooo, that first picture! THEY ARE SO LITTLE! Why does that happen? Why do they grow up?

  4. I think you have the best kid photos that I’ve ever seen. :)

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