Nov 252015

Henry and I were on our way home from Cleveland last night when I started laughing.

“Remember right in the beginning of our relatuonship, when we took our first road trip? And it was all the way to Wisconsin to see Cold?”

Henry said yes, in a tone strangulated with caution and trepidation, like he was waiting for me to say that [name any of my favorite bands] is going to be playing a festival there and omg we need to go. 

But that wasn’t it. I was just laughing at how different our relationship is now, 14 years later, but also how some things just don’t change. “Did you ever think to yourself back then that this was just something you had to endure temporarily? That I would ‘outgrow’ the obsession with going to shows?”

Henry just looked at me and smirked like that was a stupid question. 

14 years later, he’s still sacrificing sleep and hearing quality just so I can have a few hours of therapy inside some grungey club, swooning over the bands who heal my heart. 

I guess that’s love 

So here I am, on Thanksgiving Eve, being thankful once again for Henry, someone who never made me stop being me, and never tried to change me or force me to grow up. Someone who gave me a chance to start over with my own brand new family and was confident that I wouldn’t fuck it up. 

And I’m thankful that Chooch just rolls with our…untraditional way of life and doesn’t seem to be too emotionally maimed from it. Yet, anyway. I love our idiotic little family. 

I am NOT thankful for Henry’s lawn mower-levels of snoring though. But last night was amazing so I’ll try not to curtail his snoring by punching him in the back, like I usually do. 


And real quick, I’m also thankful for these things off the top of my head, some simple, some great: 

  • Black Friday ads almost being over
  • Having the privilege of making art for people
  • Not having a job I hate
  • Bleu cheese coleslaw & Froot Loops on vegan hot dogs
  • Succulents filling the empty pet void in my heart
  • My friends who stick by me even when I get super annoying/bitchy/emo
  • Gospel aerobics

We didn’t make plans for tomorrow and I’m cool with that. I just want to hang out and boss Henry around. We’re doing house things, which obviously means I’m sketching things on the backs of bills and then Henry is sighing and turning those sketches into tangible projects. Yay holidays! 

  One Response to “Late Night Sap Sesh”

  1. “14 years later, he’s still sacrificing sleep and hearing quality just so I can have a few hours of therapy inside some grungey club, swooning over the bands who heal my heart.

    I guess that’s love.

    So here I am, on Thanksgiving Eve, being thankful once again for Henry, someone who never made me stop being me, and never tried to change me or force me to grow up. Someone who gave me a chance to start over with my own brand new family and was confident that I wouldn’t fuck it up.”

    Wow. What a bitchin’ awesome thing to say. The truth of it gets me, because all of this is such a rare gift: the gift of being allowed to be yourself. Thank you, Henry. Most of us will never have it. <3

    Yes, that is love, I think.

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