Oct 252011

Chooch drew a picture of Henry cut in half

And then we shared an uproarious laugh.

(pg. 69 of the Living with Henry book of poetry.)

The Living with Henry book of poetry doesn’t actually exist, but maybe if everyone drew a picture of Henry and sent it to me, something amazing could be born. (Because I really need an additional project.) I’d sell it on Etsy for $3 and maybe use it as bribe money to get some more SERVICE stories out of him. Or at least fund his next Desitin and individually-wrapped prunes purchase. I bet Henry would really fucking love that.

Weeners optional, but encouraged.

[Sketches can be sent to: butgavincantdance@gmail.com]

  6 Responses to “Calling All Artists/Henry Aficionados: It’s Henry Sketch Time!”

  1. I gave it a shot… :-P Let me know if that’s what you’re looking for..lol….

  2. I just had about three different Henry portrait ideas, but I’m a slow draw-er.

    Rest assured at least one will come from me!

  3. Submitting MY idea of Henry :)

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