Sep 072008

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 19:28 Teaching Chooch about hearses. A relaxing Friday night. #
  • 20:47 Whoever does my eulogy, I hope they include the fun fact that I preferred to mix my own chocolate milk. Syrup, never powder. #

  • 09:45 I think I might be slightly OCD. Every time the pillows and throw get messed up on my couch, I feel nauseated. #
  • 09:51 Talked to @satanmetalady on the phone for the first time last nite and it didn’t induce anxiety. It was good. #
  • 10:09 Henry is such a slob that its breaking down my psyche, one razor slash at a time. Srsly, PICK UR SHIT UP. #
  • 10:47 On our way to Lakemont Park and already fought 63 times before getting in car. #
  • 11:06 Told Henry that I went to Consideration School and he said I must not have made it thru the first week. Whatev. #
  • 11:26 Just made eye contact with a hunter. Need sanitized. #
  • 11:29 Henry knows so much about the jitney industry! I feel like if the History Channel did a special, Henry could give expert commentary. #
  • 13:07 I just changed my name to Erin Appledale. Please make necessary adjustments to your records. #
  • 15:20 The Skydiver at Lakemont Park could be the funnest ride ever. If there wasn’t so much pain involved. #
  • 15:34 Just learned my son does not like sand. #
  • 16:48 Me: “I wish this ride spun more” right before I found it necessary to choke back vomit. #
  • 17:03 They have Christian bean bag toss here. #
  • 19:10 We’re in Bedford at some food joint. Chooch is being an asshole and I want apple dumplings. #
  • 19:23 The guy at the table next to us just announced that he has some serious phlegm. #
  • 19:23 Should teach him about Twitter. Imagine the scintillating tweets. #
  • 19:25 The waitress just apologized for the wait. “He’s not used to cooking,” she said. I feel scared. #
  • 19:47 – Some slow ass eaters. Might have to serve their dessert in the funeral home. #
  • 20:26 Blake knows how I take my coffee and Henry, his own father, doesn’t! I don’t know how our relationship has survived the past seven years. #
  • 20:57 Playing 20 questions in car. Henry gets mad that mine are too obscure. “That one guy we saw selling flowers 6 yrs ago! Duh.” #
  • 21:43 Remember when the wedding was down the street from where my dad died? LOLsupreme. #

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  4 Responses to “Tweets: Amusement Park Edition”

  1. i love your tweets!!!!!

    just a reminder.

  2. What’s the difference between regular bean bag toss and the Christian version?

    And I only use syrup for chocolate milk. Anything else is just not right.

Say it don't spray it.

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