Archive for the 'tweets' Category

Dillydallying at Dolly’s, and other things from Friday

November 30th, 2021 | Category: travel,tweets

I didn’t feel like liveblogging on our drive last Friday but here are the highlights from Twitter plus whatever else I remember. I’m 42 now. There’s not much room left in my head for memories, considering how thick my skull is. I apparently didn’t tweet very much:

  • Oh here we go. Henry BEGGED me to drive for two hours so I did and now that it’s his turn again, he’s bitching about how I allegedly drive “LIKE A MANIAC.” But did I shave a bunch of time from our ETA??? Yes so I’ll take that as a THANK YOU.
  • Ugh Henry just bought really disgusting gas station trail mix and it tastes like I ate a handful while walking thru a fish market.

Yeah, so I drove for two hours two the NEW RIVER GORGE area of West Virginia which is never-ending, I fucking swear to god. I listened to Pierce the Veil while Henry and Chooch slept. It was fine. But then once Henry took the wheel, it was HUNGRY TIME and we just happened to be near Dolly’s Diner which I became obsessed with the last time we traversed this route on my birthday trip last summer.

(Side note: I love Pierce the Veil so much and haven’t really listened to them in so long that some of the songs were really hitting hard. I was glad that I was the only one awake because I was EMOTING.)

The food was nothing to write home about but I vividly remembered their famous BUTTERSCOTCH LUSH and I would be FIBBING if I told you I hadn’t thought about straight motorboating a wedge of that heavenly sugar-pillow ever since the first time a forkful of it splayed itself across my tongue. So honestly, I didn’t give a fuck about the actual dinner portion of the evening. I was there for the main XXX event.

As soon as we walked in, I was in approximately everyone’s way and apparently forgot to turn down the dimmer on my CITY FOLK PASSING THRU neon crown on my head. “I WANT TO SIT IN THE SAME BOOTH WE SAT IN LAST TIME” I stage-whispered to Henry, who elicited a smirk of disapproval immediately. But then Chooch, who is sometimes on my side, said to the hostess with full confidence, “We would like to sit at Table 11, please.”

She was a young, surly girl who looked PISSED to be working on a Friday night and even more annoyed at the audacity of these CITY FOLK requesting a specific table. But she sighed in a tenor that translated to, “OK weirdos” and lead us straight to our specifically-desired booth. I had no idea that the table numbers were so visible on each one, not that my poor eyes could see that from the front door anyway.


We unfortunately did not have the same older woman waitress as last time, which is a shame because that broad was awesome. Instead, we got a young girl with little personality who was very matter-of-fact about everything. Like when Chooch had the gull to order pink lemonade and she was like, “Sorry we only have the yellow kind” and why was this so fucking hilarious to me?? Everything from the fact to Chooch going rogue and wanting an off-menu pink bev, to the waitress nipping that want in the bud immediately.

Meanwhile, some older man was walking around the joint, stopping to open up window blinds here and there. When he was kneeling across the seat of the booth behind us to reach the blind on that particular window, he turned to us and your standard WV greeting of HOWDY FOLKS and we were like, “YAY SOMEONE IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO TALK TO US OUTLANDERS” or maybe it was just me who reacted as such by returning his greeting with giant Pittsburgh gusto. (Whatever that means.) He asked if we had been here before – a solid query since none of us were wearing suspenders, trucker hats, or any type of WV PRIDE garment. Since Henry doesn’t talk to WAITSTAFF and Chooch was too busy fiddling with his RUBIK’S CUBE (his latest obsession, help me, so sick of hearing about algorithms), I became the default spokesperson of TABLE 11 and said, “NO, WE HAVE BEEN HERE ONCE. WE CAME BACK FOR THE BUTTERSCOTCH LUSH” and the way I said it might have had slight rabbit-in-a-pot vibes to it. The crazed look flashing in my eyes might have contributed a bit to that vibe too but who can be sure. I just get really AMPED ABOUT DESSERTS and it’s hard for me to hide it.

My exuberance was clearly an invitation for him to turn around in the booth behind us and lean in between Henry and me (!!!) in order to start pointing out various menu items. “You like Philly cheese steak?” he asked, giving me absolutely no chance to respond. “Cuz this here is the best thing on the menu. WE DEEP FRY THE BUN.” I was trying not to laugh because Henry had pointed that out earlier, but not in a way that expressed any interest in trying out this deep-fried bun for himself.

“Wow,” I said, trying to push the word out as an exclamation but it fell flat. “You should get that!” I nudged Henry obnoxiously. And then the guy (Mr. Dolly? He had “owner material” written all over him) continued making his rounds, but I noted that he did not give any of the other diners as much time and undivided attention as the VIPs of TABLE ELEVEN.

By the time the waitress came back with Chooch’s YELLOW bev and flipped open her order pad, Henry had somehow convinced himself that he was now obligated to order the Philly cheesesteak even though it wasn’t what he wanted. I laughed. When don’t I laugh.

Chooch got a grilled cheese and I just went for the egg and cheese sandwich, which was supposed to come on a BISCUIT but the only option the waitress gave me was TOAST, and then when it arrived, the eggs were scrambled and there was no cheese on it! It was the most pathetic breakfast sandwich ever, but that’s ok because its only purpose was to coat my stomach before I stuffed a plate of whipped creamy LUSH down in there.

Waitress displayed mucho ambivalence toward us until Henry called after her, “Wait can I also get cole slaw?” And suddenly the fact that Henry wanted a side of slaw endeared our table to her. The way she stopped in her tracks and sing-songed over her shoulder, “Yeaaaah! Small or large bowl?”

Henry chose the small bowl and then was like, “I wonder how big the big bowl is,” just as another waitress began to walk toward us with a large bowl on her tray. “There’s your cole slaw,” I laughed, but it was really just soup for another table and Henry’s cole slaw ended up coming a few minutes later in a standard side bowl.

Cole slaw action shot.

At one point, the waitress asked we needed anything in passing, and I was concerned because she didn’t call us YALL like she was calling everyone else, and I just wanted to be INCLUDED. But then later she did call us YALL and I felt better.

When it was time for dessert ordering, I asked in a very hyperactive, desperate yell, “DO YOU HAVE THE BUTTERSCOTCH LUSH?” The waitress was like, “Yeah of course we do” and the came back a few seconds later to say, “I’m sorry, we don’t have any butterscotch lush.”

I WANTED TO DIE. LITERALLY. I almost screamed, “WE CAME ALL THE WAY FROM PITTSBURGH AND YINZ DON’T EVEN HAVE ANY OF IT?” but instead I popped an imaginary pill and calmly asked, “OK what else do you have?” As soon as she said, “Pumpkin lush” I cut her off and said, “OK I’ll take that!” and that was dumb. I should have listened to the options. Because the pumpkin lush was not it, fam.

All the other parts of the lush were exactly as I remembered them to be, but the pumpkin part was kind of gross. The texture was too viscous and it was kind of sour. It was reminiscent of the kind of filling in those Little Debbie pumpkin cookies – but less sweet and, I dunno, wetter. If it had been more like a pumpkin pie puree, it would have been bangin’. But I don’t know what they used in there. I should have went with the cherry one or, anything else, really.

Chooch had a German Chocolate Cake which they clearly nuked before serving, as evidenced by the wafts of steam billowing off his plate. His was pretty good though. I remember the last time, he ordered the coconut cake and that was really good too, so we know that at least three of the desserts are good, which leads  me to believe that the pumpkin lush was just a poor choice and I should not write off Dolly’s.

I mean, believe me, I ate every last crumb off that plate, it wasn’t INEDIBLE, people.

Oh! While we were in Dolly’s, that old song “My Guy” came on and I got all dreamy-eyed. “I always associate this with ‘Days of Our Lives’,” I sighed. Henry the Dunce asked why, forcing me to adopt my “indignant teenaged disgust” voice. “Because of when it was sung to ALICE HORTON??” I cried and the way Henry’s eyebrows levitated off his forehead and contorted into a foating question mark said it all.

Fun fact, when I was a kid, I wrote a fan letter to the actress who played/plays Jennifer Horton AND SHE SENT ME SIGNED HEADSHOT. I still have it somewhere I think.

Obligatory gas station bathroom road trip selfie. This was at a Flying J either still in WV or in VA. All I know is that I was the only one there wearing a mask and got some really classy glares. I love this divided country!

Three hours later, and I still couldn’t stop thinking about “the yellow kind.” WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY.

And then, while Chooch “I’m so tired, I work all the time and wake up at 4:45am to go shopping on Black Friday, boo hoo hoo” slept the rest of the night in the backseat, Henry and I had a very pleasant drive to our Friday night destination of Sweet Water, TN. We listened to A Perfect Circle and I made barfing noises when we drove past a giant church cross.

The end.

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The Ankerchief Fail

May 02nd, 2013 | Category: Epic Fail,nostalgia,tweets

Thanks to the Timehop app, I am reminded of the time 5 years ago that I tried to spearhead a new fashion revolution. (I am also reminded that my tweets were way better than they are these days.) Here are the tweets to back it up.

  • 2:44PM: Wrapped a polka-dotted scarf around my ankle. Henry said it looks real dumb. Hope it catches on.
  • 3:19PM: I hope people will think I tried to slit my ankle.
  • 6:36PM: Kim (my supervisor) just pointed at my anklace (HAHA) and said, “What r u trying to be, Sha-Na-Na?” and I died. Except that I still live.
  • 6+:36PM: Or ankerchief?!!?
  • 6:49PM: Henry, who was 1/2 asleep when I left for work, just emailed me and asked “Were u dressed weird when u left?” IT’S NOT WEIRD ITS AWESOME.

I think that fashion statement needs reinstated.

Other brilliant things that I invented which failed to catch on:

Saying whatevelyn instead of whatev. (I still say this though.)

Referring to the year 2008 as “two thousand double quad, y’all.”

Revolutionary War porn.

The best game ever: Thingieball.

(Apparently, that same day, I was also trying to get kidnapped, but couldn’t decide between an alley at midnight or smeared with the scent of trust fund at a truck stop. God, my life could have been so different right now if I had stopped dreaming and started DOING.)

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tweets said what?

July 16th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 14:38 Naked without my Olson twin sunglasses. Squinting like a fucking mole. #
  • 14:40 Going back to the Butler County Fair. Double rainbow all the way! #
  • 19:26 Henry loses all value of the dollar at the fair. I wish I could fiscally unclench long enough to do the same. #
  • 19:27 Just want to say a solid thank you to Alisha for pointing out all th deformaties at the fair today. #
  • 19:52 Just had to have a convo with a mom AND NOW SHE IS SITTING WITH US WHAT. #
  • 19:53 And she just very passively bummed a cigarette from Alisha. She’s said “yinz” 12x so far. #
  • 20:00 Lol mom convo #
  • 20:10 Now my brother Corey and his gf are here encouraging the awkwardness. #
  • 21:56 Goodbye Butler County Fair, you sexy double rainbow bitch. #
  • 22:29 A difference btwn Chooch & me: he wants to rip his event wristband off ASAP upon departure; I wear mine til it disinte grates, then I cry. #
  • 23:08 My Warped Tour photos, if anyone gives a shit: #
  • 23:55 It’s against Henry’s religion to laugh at anything I say or write. But he will always laugh every time I fall down the steps. #

  • 11:15 Chooch just made me put earplugs in his ears so he can go upstairs to use the bathroom while Henry is vacuuming. Issues. #
  • 11:23 I found my first ever Internet friend, circa 1998, on Facebook and I think my ecstatic message creeped her out. #
  • 11:49 Being in Hartford with properly fitted pants, a girl can dream. #
  • 13:05 Pissed ppl off at a red light; apparently they don’t appreciate the soul splitting screams of Miss May I. :( #
  • 13:22 A super old lady just plopped down next to me on a bench & I’m fighting the urge to stop breathing. #
  • 13:34 At Panera with a girl I haven’t seen in 14 years. Amazing. #
  • 17:08 In catching up with Jessy, she asked if I’m still “really clumsy.” Yes, and my clumsiness comes in new flavors now too. #
  • 17:14 And then I cried while telling her about Warped Tour. Slap me. #
  • 20:05 Yo, it’s a BLOG BASH, double rainbow all the way!: Hi! Apparently this is a Blog Bash! I’m not very social in the … #
  • 20:26 Fran on Hell’s Kitchen looks like she’s a Seth MacFarlane creation. #
  • 20:29 Wish I was there, so badly:( RT @VansWarpedTour The sky looks rad! #
  • 20:48 I’m so much of a loser, I’m a looser. #
  • 23:55 The Phil Mickelson Rolex commercial is SO INTENSE OMG. (Like a double rainbow, but you knew that.) #

  • Read more

When tweets lose their bowels

July 10th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 15:10 Oh Zipper, my old nemesis. #
  • 16:13 I wonder if Dutch Andrew from Tucson knows that we’ve Imprinted. #
  • 17:47 Some guy yelled GORGEOUS at ME but Alisha said it was about HER and that he was drunk. :( #
  • 17:49 Alisha is just jelis that Kirk the Carnie is in love with me. I snagged me a SUPERVISOR, y’all. #
  • 18:42 Apparently we are partying with John and Jordan tonight. They own ALL THE BOOTHS IN THIS BLOCK. #
  • 18:43 And Jordan was really cute but his sleazy personality killed it for me. Alisha was lapping it up, though. #
  • 19:08 We’re about to watch tractor pulls, whatever that means. Alisha assured me it’s not all that exciting. I’LL DECIDE FOR MYSELF, THANKS. #
  • 19:39 My new ringz0rz. My vampire boyfriend gave it to me. #
  • 23:21 That was the longest I’ve ever spent at a county fair, and arguably the best time I’ve had at one. Thanks @saucalisha!! #
  • ***
  • 09:46 Tweeting with no eyes and one ear: Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Pleas…
  • 11:23 Just wondering why holidays are always The Worst Day Ever at my house. #
  • 13:12 Best cemetery workout ever. If I didn’t make up for at least 75% of yesterday’s carnival eats, then I’m clearly doing it wrong. #
  • 15:05 This “relationship” is making my health deteriorate. #
  • 16:04 My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Emarosa (34), Sleeping With Sirens (7) and Rosaline (2) #lastfm #
  • 16:12 .009 seconds into the new Real World and just met Knight, a hockey player from Wisconsin. Hello new favorite. #
  • 16:38 Henry is the most confusing person to date and he’s not even bi-polar like me. This day has been a yoyo, dippin g in and out of Hell. #
  • 16:59 Goofus and Gallant, OhHonestlyErin-style: Remember that old series “Goofus and Gallant” that was in that kid’s mag… #
  • 17:02 The Town Schizo is outside and Chooch is giving everyone inside Eat n Park a play-by-play of her actions. SHE’S CROSSING THE STREET, GUYS! #
  • 17:05 Listening to old people order at restaurants is pretty amazing. They’re very specific and MEAN about it. And have annoying ring tones. #
  • 17:26 Dick Dale just came on at Eat n Park but god forbid anyone should hear it over my son’s enormous set of lungs. #
  • 17:39 Pretty sure the old next lady next to us just barked to the waitress: “And I don’t want no Texas toast cuz that gives me a brown rash!” #
  • 21:11 Oh great. If You Really Knew Me: a new MTV series destined to act as my new summer downer. #
  • 21:56 One of my talents is referencing The Real World during serious moments/when people least expect it. #
  • 22:07 Henry just put an end to 10 years of my voyeurism by installing proper blinds on our front window. He’s ruining my life!!! #
  • 23:57 Just realized all those hours ago, I meant “exhibitionism” not “voyeurism.” That’s what I get for paraphrasing something HENRY said. #
  • *** Read more
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Tweeting with no eyes and one ear

July 04th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 14:36 There’s no listing in the Yellow Pages for gaydar repair. Motherbitch. #
  • 15:44 Me: which team does the blue guy belong to? Henry: yeah, that’s the ref. I did not know that. #
  • 15:48 Whoever coined the phrase “being dicked around” must’ve been a lez b/c literally being dicked around feels better than having plans blown #
  • 16:26 I do believe I’m gaining a reputation with all the area eye doctors. #
  • 17:03 It’s surprising America hasn’t tried to abolish soccer. Something we’re not good at?!?! THEN NO ONE CAN ENJOY IT! #
  • 17:59 Alisha, on wearing the same contacts I got at my eye appt: wasn’t that a mth ago? Me: 4 wks. Alisha: last time I checked that’s a month. #
  • 21:04 Sitting in a BP parking lot, looking like a creep. There, I did my part. Fuck the oil menstruation! #
  • ***
  • 02:00 Spent the last few hrs drinking wine outside w/ Mose like a real adult, & engaged in convo so awesome I didn’t have time to tweet. WHAT. #
  • 02:03 Apparently i’m “such a crybaby” for puckering my mouth after Henry served me a bowl of the tartest fruit this side of the Bunny Ranch. #
  • 09:55 Tried to eat cereal while wearing my glasses. My chin, cleavage & person I keep chained under the computer desk thanked me for breakfast. #
  • 13:51 Just learned that Chooch walked past a transvestite yesterday & said “Thats not a GIRL.” Seeing Chooch in my heels just now reminded Henry. #
  • 14:09 <3 Kellin Quinn so much today. #
  • 15:13 Henry just suggested I make a CD full of all the songs that make me want to die so he can see what happens when I get to the end. #
  • 15:48 I guess seeing Chooch in my heels earlier is what spawned Henry to dress him in a wife beater & camo shorts. Now he looks like a Chino thug. #
  • 16:51 Asked H enry why our kid can’t just be normal but then realized what a retarded question that was. #
  • 17:57 Henry’s having an impromptu cookout, lecturing Alisha and me about the intricacies of grilling. #
  • 18:11 Hot Naybor Chris is assisting some stoned guy jump his car. Henry’s weener shrinks a little each time someone else gets to be a hero. #
  • 19:10 My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Pierce the Veil (14), Keyshia Cole (2) and We Are the In Crowd (1) #la stfm #
  • 20:23 Tonight: 1 pick-up game of #thingieball, 2 feuding 4yo’s, 8 hobo boots worth of sweat, & tons of neighbor-watching. (AKA spying.) #
  • 23:45 Having flashbacks to when I was nearly gang-raped by 20 squirrels at the cemetery today. Harrowing, to put it lightly. #
  • 23:47 As opposed to putting it heavily, which next time i will once I learn how to attach cinderblocks & Oprah’s scooped-out boob fat to tweets. #
  • ***
  • 10:31 Goddamn Kennywood #
  • 10:55 Asked Chooch if he thinks our cat Marcy is pretty and he said, “Not really. She looks just like evil.” #
  • 11:41 This is how i dressed in 1999, only sometimes I wore pants: #
  • 15:15 Oh, every single day before April 25, 2006, how I miss thee. #
  • 15:22 An Un-Ironic Post Card: P1010028, originally uploaded by appledale. My friend Mose came over Saturday night to dri… #
  • 17:52 The winner of the photo contest gets a night’s stay in a hotel in PA & I’m like, “yes plz get me the fuck out of my house.” #
  • 18:46 Did not get to see my crush today but the ni ght is still kind of going fast. I seriously expected to be dumped with tar for typing that. #
  • 20:19 This is me begging: So today I submitted a photo to some Visit PA Facebook contest. Naturally, there are only two … #
  • 20:36 Was just successfully convinced by a lawyer here to go to a doctor. She had me at “tubes in the ear.” #
  • 21:48 When it come to keeping my pants on in this house, i’m in the minority. #
  • ***
  • 00:44 Wasn’t expecting to love Daybreakers. #
  • 11:05 The first step really is the hardest. I hope I’m doing the right thing. #
  • 12:37 Sometimes the best remedy really is slapping on headphones (not that earbud bullshit) & listening to screamo. (Real screamo.) #
  • 13:08 I hate when I record the local news because an eye witness makes me laugh uncontrollably, but Henry doesn’t think it’s funny. #
  • 15:09 I’m really tired of feeling like my heart is going to explode EVERY DAY before I leave for work. Every day. #
  • 15:11 This made me LOL: RT @scottheisel Way to go, Spin, part two: This *definitely* isn’t Bryce Avary of @therocketsummer: #
  • 15:13 What business does shitty Spin magazine have writing about Warped Tour. Leave that to @altpress. #
  • 16:15 Aw man. Why does the ringing in my ear today sound like Clay Aiken impersonating dolphins? #
  • 18:53 Oh, how awkward. Or I should say: Oh, how usual. #
  • 19:20 I must REALLY have lost my touch if I’m asking HENRY for flirting tips. #
  • 23:58 Nilka on Hell’s Kitchen looks so much like (a black) Christina I nearly can’t watch.Sorry for yr misfortune Nilka. #
  • ***
  • 00:12 If you’re pissed like me that ABC’s Happy Town is getting screwed, you’ll enjoy this: #
  • 08:49 Hey, let’s talk about my glasses.: Don’t worry, I only let him wear theses for &gt;10 seconds, for fear of his eyebal… #
  • 10:33 So not hot eno ugh today in the cemetery. How will I collapse from heat exhaustion?? #
  • 11:19 I just spoke to a cop without it ending in a torrent of cursing and the threat of arrest. WTF. #
  • 12:20 Let’s for a minute pretend that I’m a sweet virgin prairie girl. …. Yeah, I’m bored with that now, too. #
  • 12:29 Nothing like a friendly sprint to the front door with my son, loser gets locked out. #
  • 13:48 When I’m outside with 12 neighborhood kids dripping off me like pigs blood on Carrie, you can just call me Miss Erin. #
  • 14:05 I’m in child Hell. Where are all the par ents? & I’m pretty sure I’m now an official MILF thanks to the googoo eyes I’m getting from a 10yo. #
  • 15:35 Henry’s guess for the band i’m listening to: Silence Is Better Than This. ;( #
  • 15:39 One more week til my Christmas Day. My belly does somersaults every time I think about it! #
  • 18:16 Just spent the last 10min talking about & watching YouTube videos of Nancy Kerrigan’s WHYYYY & cracking up with my boss & Barb. #
  • 20:46 I’m sitting alone downtown waiting for my ride when some guy walked toward me, fast & with purpose. I almost peed. Then he smiled & said hi. #
  • 20:47 Erin lives to see another day! #
  • ***
  • 10:22 I love it when I get emails from Vistaprint, telling me what I deserve. #
  • 11:10 A Conversation with a Cop: It’s not really an unknown fact that I frequent several of the cemeteries around Pittsb… #
  • 12:29 Oh yay, now there’s a new kid out here for me to watch. #
  • 13:31 Goodbye, Sarge. You’ll always be a Penguin to me. #NHL #
  • 13:35 July 1 never fails to be a one-two punch of heartache and excitement. #NHL #
  • 13:40 Whoever bought Chooch this scooter is a fucking bastard. #
  • 14:04 Apparently my “block babysitter” woes aren’t important enuf for Henry to take seriously. I HAD A STRESSFUL DAY CHASING BALLS INTO TRAFFIC. #
  • 14:40 I really am not a fan of children. #
  • 16:25 I just had a 1 minute convo with a co-worker and didn’t hear a word she said. Being half deaf is fantastic! #
  • 17:59 I don’t know what’s worse: being flashed by the annoying 50yo coworker or being assaulted by the converted 1980s pantsuit she has on today. #
  • 18:06 Honestly, I got no game with the ladies. This is just sad. #
  • 18:3 1 Oh with the rate tonight is going, combined with my feverish giddiness, my composure is gonna be more blown than Kate Moss’s nose. #
  • 19:39 I’m still trying to figure out what’s so shocking about Craig Owens signing to Decaydance. Like that couldn’t be seen a mile away. #
  • 21:21 That was a confusing elevator ride that couldn’t end soon enough/ended much too soon. I’m home now, ready to bury my face in a pillow. #
  • 22:55 I wish the rest of Jonny Craig would hurry up and mature like his voice has. Shit. #
  • 23:25 I Still Feel Her pts 1-4 could very well be the biography of my 20s. #
  • ***
  • 10:55 Either my glasses are windows into the Netherworld, or I’m suffering eye trauma. #
  • 12:48 One way to REALLY frustrate my son is by not playing Zombies correctly. He hates me and my incompetence right now. OMG HALP. #
  • 13:35 Chooch literally chased the UPS man down the street, yelling WHERE’S MY TOY, DUMBASS? I’m like “dude, you gotta ORDER it 1st.” #
  • 13:44 Inexplicably, my 4 year old is very concerned with the whereabouts of Kurt Vonnegut’s dead body. #
  • 16:25 We’re both wearing purple today! OMG. A true sign for sure. #
  • 17:35 I look like I belong in a Mark Ryden painting today. #
  • 18:57 That may have been my most dramatic paper cut to date. #
  • 19:08 Shit that makes summer suck :   This photo has nothing to do with anything. You may continue. You know what I hate… #
  • 20:56 Didn’t get to leave work early as expected but got a really fantastic ice cream sandwich & hit on outside my building. #
  • 21:57 Just shivered w/ anticipation at the thought of spending all day tmw without my child, who’s currently actin’ a dick.. THANK YOU, ALISHA! #
  • ***
  • 01:12 Alisha had a food day. I don’t know what that means, because everyday is a food day for me, but she said it 5x so I guess it’s a big deal. #
  • 01:19 Now we’re talking about chandeliers. Because Mark is gay. #
  • 09:18 En route to the doctor, motherfucker. #
  • 09:29 Oh my god I’m in the waiting room and now I’m stuck here because they have my license. There’s NO TURNING BACK. #
  • 09:53 Hopefully I’ll be able to hear again soon. Partial deafness makes me paranoid & slightly more awkward. Makes for weird work situations. #
  • 10:12 Every one I talk to here looks at me like I’m a freak. I’m just a little overdramatic when it comes to my health, I guess. #
  • 10:42 I CAN HEAR AGAIN! #
  • 13:33 We haven’t been here for 15min and Alisha already cracked her collarbone. #
  • 14:17 I’m religious now! #
  • 14:22 Alisha, regarding my want of a caricature: But I don’t think they’ll be able to get your head any bigger than it already is. (Its true.) #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweeting from a fish bowl

June 26th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 16:14 Here to report that we’re the only crackers at this graduation party. #
  • 16:51 Some early 90s r&b up in this joint. I’m half-crocked off jello shots & Seagrams. OH SHIT THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! #
  • 17:06 Toya’s boyfriend just said, “It was the jello shot that took you there.” #
  • 19:12 Just spent the last hour in the rain, some of which was watching Henry pretend to be Bobby Flay in hopes of impressing Neighbor Mark. #
  • 19:40 I was about a mile away and still heard Toya say it was time for cake. BEEN WAITING ALL DAY. #
  • 20:21 I’m glad Chooch has given me 26 reminders of his age today, all in varying degrees of tantrums. Boy, can’t you see I’m trying to party? #
  • 21:23 Crabby Ruth went back in the house so I’ve rejoined the party and some broad is mixing me a white Russian. Holla. #
  • 21:25 Her name is Peaches, the one liquoring me up. #
  • ***
  • 10:16 OMG PTV #
  • 12 :03 90 degrees and Chooch is wearing a knit cap to Kennywood. #
  • 12:15 Henry is ruining Father’s Day for me!! #
  • 12:28 Chooch had a dream we were at a haunted house & Blake kicked the crawling guy’s ass. Chooch adds music to his stories now, btw. #
  • 14:11 Chooch’s reaction to getting drenched on the Raging Rapids: Oh, FUCK THIS. #
  • 14:44 Today is another shining reminder that I wasn’t meant to be a mother. #
  • 15:53 I wish I could find a way to cram this entire day into a cadaver and fuck its asshole with a blowtorch. #
  • 16:03 $87 to walk around in circles while my kid decides he’s too scared to ride every single ride here -far from priceless. #
  • 17:02 I’m not keeping my hands inside. You can’t tell me. #
  • 18:27 Free to OK home. #
  • 18:55 Kennywood was completely ruined for me today. I hate four year olds. #
  • 19:43 My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Keyshia Cole (2), Pierce the Veil (2) and We Are the In Crowd (1) #lastfm #
  • 22:31 The new Pierce the Veil makes me involuntarily say “ouch.” Sickening how heart-breakingly good it is. #
  • 23:16 I just don’t care who knows what anymore, is what it is. #
  • 23:41 Now go bring me my brandy! (The kind in a glass, not the one chained up in my closet.) #
  • ***
  • 09:16 Everything’s Cuter When It’s Miniature: …except maybe bank accounts and Andre the Giant. One of my past customers … #
  • 09:38 Nursing post-Kennywood wounds. Chooch’s are of the flesh; mine are on my psyche. #
  • 09:47 My suggestion of Wimbeldon was quickly vetoed once Chooch realized there were no zombies on the court. #
  • 09:52 Nothing like some Diary of the Dead after our morning bagel. Chooch wishes Jason was in this movie so he could kill these asshole zombies. #
  • 11:53 Henry finally realized that the more often I get to go on cemetery runs, the less bitchy phone calls he gets. Concessions have been made. #
  • 12:45 Mini Blake. #
  • 17:41 A bottle of champagne is literally being passed around the office. This place fucking rules. #
  • 18:07 Oh thank god – I was worried I wasn’t going to get to see the cascading breasts of someone’s grandma today. But I did, don’t worry. I did. #
  • 22:42 Space, what’s that. #
  • ***
  • 10:57 Peep Show at The Law Firm: Everything was quiet and calm yesterday at The Law Firm, until G came waltzing over to … #
  • 12:47 When Vic sings “I just wanted one dance with you,” it feels like my heart is coming out of my mouth. FUCK. #
  • 13:59 Chooch is stand ing stockstill in the front yard, clad in his Jason hockey mask, staring at passers-by. #
  • 15:32 The girl at the McDonald’s window will sleep well tonight knowing that my 4-year-old thinks she’s a bitch. #
  • 16:32 HOLD UP! I just graciously accepted a compliment about my writing with no trace of self-deprecation. This may not have ever happened before. #
  • 18:11 I have really inexplicable taste in women. Men too, when you consider Henry. Oh ho ho. #
  • 19:50 God, they keep wanting me to learn new things here at The Law Firm. What do I look like, their employee? #
  • 19:58 It was fun at first, but having new responsibilities dumped on me is getting old. Now when will I find the time to make fun of mommy blogs?! #
  • ***
  • 01:12 Henry just sat thru 2 episodes of Pretty Little Liars. Dunno what’s more pathetic – that, or the fact that I’m the one who DVRd it. #
  • 09:16 OMG it’s Sammie! LOLOLOLOL. #
  • 09:51 RT @snoopdogg: Sidney Crosby #87 from Pittsburgh Penguins & Captain of Team Canada what ya know about gold medals #
  • 11:15 @satanmetalady she’s friends w/ Christina &her sister; my b log stats show her LJ’s been a referring link to my blog the last few days lol. #
  • 11:39 @GraveDirt They use – it isn’t working very well for them. And I’d know they were reading no matter what, anyway! #
  • 11:44 Two of my friends tweeted about waiting for the UPS man, 8 seconds apart. Just wanted to get in on that, is all. #
  • 11:50 Whoever told my son it’s OK to dump perfectly good beverages down the drain b/c we’re rich & can just buy more? Say hi to my pipe bomb. #
  • 12:18 Thank you, Chooch, for letting me watch some sports today. I forgot what non-animated television program ming looked like. #
  • 12:30 Peep Show at the Law Firm:: #
  • 13:16 If we let Chooch have sugar and caffeine, I doubt I’d be able to send this tweet right now, live from the sanitarium. #
  • 13:32 Brought Chooch out to play with some kids & as usual ended up getting “involved.” I’m not the town play mate, OK?? #
  • 17:00 Word on the street is that my son is mocking a special needs kid on the playground right now. And I am thankfully miles away from it. #
  • 17:02 Henry keeps texting me playground updates & I’m in tears at my desk, praying no one walks by. “Oh nothing, my kid’s just mocking a retard.” #
  • 17:04 My crush just winked at me. #
  • 18:38 July 7 = Warped Tour = Pierce the Veil: Time out. I have some stuff to write about, like neighborly happenings and… #
  • 18:52 Oh please, these broads don’t even know the MEANING of burnt popcorn. #
  • 20:18 No one but Ryan Miller deserved the Vezina. you earned it, dude! #nhl #
  • 21:08 Henrik Sedin wins the fucking Hart. Areyoukidding. Pathetic. Only brightside is that it wasn’t Ovechkin. #NHL #
  • 23:05 Seriously, how do you people wear glasses? I’m trying my new ones out & in the span of 3 minutes tripped down the steps &almost passed out. #
  • 23:06 If I sit real still……. #
  • 23:09 That’s it. I’m smashing the lenses out of these & just wearing the frames as an accessory. Fuck vision. #
  • 23:17 Attempted to look down and almost puked. I think I need frames that are more rectangular. Or I could just gouge out my eyes. #
  • 23:44 Switched Twitter apps so hopefully the sporadic repeat-tweets will cease. I still haven’t found an app that I love. #
  • ***
  • 12:44 I think this might be the 9 year anniversary of @awoodhick’s and my supposed one night stand. OH LOOK AT US NOW, WOULDYA. #
  • 14:17 The Christina Chronicles: When Boyfriends & Girlfriends Collide: The thing that made Henry angry about my inaugura… #
  • 13:41 Blake just saved a soccer ball from the jaws of speeding vehicles; hero of the block. #
  • 15:19 Don’t rain on my parade. You can piss in my Wheaties though. I don’t eat Wheaties. #
  • 15:50 Henry just asked, “Is it time for the furry convention already? Because that’s the second girl Ive seen with a tail.” #
  • 16:29 I’m a little worried by the way one of the analysts just told me we’re gonna have a nice Friday night. #
  • 17:41 Capped off a snark remark to a co-worker by nearly falling on my ass. He keeps talking about Karma but I’m thinking Vodka. #
  • 17:45 Seriously? Spellcheck changed “smart” to “snark” in my last tweet and you all know how much I hate that word. Maybe it IS karma. #
  • 20:32 Blake, on walking around downtown with a tail: “I would NOT. That is something i would NOT do.” #
  • 20:34 I got to leave work early! The sun’s still out! I don’t know what to do with myself! (Aside from shielding my eyes.) #
  • 23:43 On my way home from margaritas with @bonecrusher82, I lost my voice & the hearing in my right ear came back. One of the two is a miracle. #
  • ***
  • 00:10 @bonecrusher82 haha or the guy wiping the same part of the wall over and over! #
  • 10:38 I left Chooch home w/ Blake while I went for a cemetery run & not only are they both still alive, there’s no blood & the house still stands. #
  • 12:00 Get ready for the best day of 2010, Henry my love! #
  • 13:41 Seriously considering asking for an earlier shift so I’ll have less time to go through the mom-motions. THIS DOES NOT SUIT ME. #
  • 14:34 Was trying to determine the biggest part of my body when Henry answered for me: my mouth:( #
  • 14:40 Henry switched his bandanna from Blood to Crip. They’re gonna have to disguise his voice on the next episode of Gangland. #
  • 17:41 Makes me feel excited! RT @NHL The stage @ #NHLDraft ready to go at Staples Center in LA-lots of talking going on. #
  • 18:07 Well I was wrong about the resurgence in audibility of my right ear. It’s either doctor time or time to accept partial deafness. #
  • 22:53 I wish I was capable of giving a shit about tapdance, but it just feels like I’m trying to pass a burning Christmas tree. #
  • ***
  • 00:20 Two fucked eyes, one fucked ear. I’m doing fantastic. Absobitchin’ fantastic. #
  • 10:30 Hey boyyyyyyy. I predict today is gonna be a good day. Despite the fact I couldn’t make oatmeal because my housewife didn’t buy milk. #
  • 10:43 I wonder if Henry would notice if he came home to one less son. #
  • 11:46 Trying to type while w earing my glasses, but when I look down, my hands look like they could have belonged to Jon Benet Ramsay. #
  • 12:14 Goddamn Kennywood: Hey, what do we do around here for Mother’s Day? Nothing. What do we do for Father’s Day? Oh, s… #
  • 12:51 While cleaning the garage, Henry found his wedding video! Who wants to come watch it?? Maybe do some speedballs in Big Ds honor? #
  • 13:27 On hold with my eye doctor, got to hear the tail end of Firefall’s “You Are the Woman,” flute flourish & all. Definitely a good day! #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweetin’ on up the family tree

June 19th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 15:29 Now I get to go throw up in the boneyard. #
  • 15:40 So, Chooch acted like a complete dude around his cousin Brooke. #
  • 16:27 Sitting in traffic with Mama by Genesis playing loudly makes me lose my shit. #
  • 17:11 I think it’s safe to say I’m a cemetery bulimic. #
  • 19:44 If I want replies, I post to Facebook; if I want my thoughts to waft away thru the ether on the wings of crickets, I post to Twitter. #
  • 19:59 My heart sunk as Henry said “William Caplan died” but really it was “Why do u have a cap on yr head?” I don’t even know a William Caplan #
  • 20:00 And I don’t know why I have a cap on my head, other than Chooch put it there 10 minutes ago. Now I wish I had a William Caplan in my life. #
  • 20:01 ….and maybe even on my head. #
  • 22:38 The people who live behind us (in a house, not our assholes) are roasting marshmallows which I can smell. And I think that’s just rude. #
  • 23:10 Im left with no choice but to retaliate with toasted crack from my stove. Who’s jealous now, you s’mores snarfing dildos. #
  • 23:39 I swear I just heard a phantom ESPN Sportscenter hockey text. :( #
  • ***
  • 09:36 My child discovered Henry bought a bunch of ramen noodles & he’s acting like it’s Christmas. I CANT BELIEVE WE HAVE MY FAVORITE NOODLES! #
  • 10:00 I just really want to see my grandma today. It was looking optimistic, but has quickly fucked itself repeatedly with a hot curling iron. #
  • 11:01 In about 5 minutes, I will either be walking into my grandma’s house peacefully, or kicking in the door. Wish me luck. #
  • 11:05 Either way, I’ll be leaving in tears. #
  • 12:59 30 minutes with my grandma is better than 8 months of nothing, I guess. The situation is exhausting. #
  • 13:48 I’m half-hearted about everything today. Arts Festival included, yet somehow I find myself being dragged there. #
  • 14:22 That’s the first time in 14 years I had to talk my way out of going to the Arts Festival. Today has been a brilliant day. So full of LOVE. #
  • 14:27 If June 13, 2010 had a fanpage on Facebook, I’d “like” it just so I could unlike it .0002 seconds later. You’re a prick, Today! #
  • 14:37 What, you don’t have birthday patties? You have birthday PARTIES? Gee willickers, what the fuck are those? #
  • 15:08 This has been such a killer month for new releases. I’ve had a boner for the last three weeks NO LIE I’M A GUY. #
  • 15:39 Watching Chooch walk down the street with Henry to Pgh Popcorn made me tear up. Time for my testosterone shot. #
  • 16:36 My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Mad at Gravity (2), Call the Cops (2) and Mike Posner & The Brain Trust (2) #lastfm Gmp #
  • 17:22 There is always something wrong with me. My right ear has felt like it has a seashell over it for the last 4 days. Awesome for my balance. #
  • 17:54 Will someone please tell @awoodhick I think I have a fever? He doesn’t seem to CARE ENOUGH to respond to my cries for an infirmary trip. #
  • 19:15 If I was ever kidnapped, I’d tell Twitter first. Henry would probably already know, considering he’d have been the one to arrange it. #
  • 19:20 I’m losing my VOICE NOW. I’d steal @saucalisha’s but hers makes woodland creatures weep:( #
  • 19:31 I love hearing lawyers talk about their vaca plans. OH HELLO, MISTER NOT REALLY. #
  • 21:28 My hand hurts from holding the bowl of soup Henry made me! This is the worst night ever-herererrrrrrrrrrrrrr. #
  • ***
  • 12:18 Been a weird family week: Blake is “living” w/ us now, half-bro contacted me out of the blue, bio-dad’s mom & aunt are visiting today. #
  • 12:19 Not to mention meeting my niece for the first time, plus the Grandma drama. I feel disoriented. This warrants a vaca, I think. #
  • 15:25 It appears I might have another older brother. My dad’s been dead for 27 years yet the surprises keep a’coming. #
  • 15:32 Chooch starts all his stories with “Yeah because…” #
  • 19:32 Why was I crying just then? Just daydreaming about hockey. :( #
  • 21:21 My new roommate Blake brought home mouthwash. #
  • 21:43 Roommate Coloring Hour. #
  • ***
  • 09:19 VIDEO OF ME & MY FANTASTIC VOICE, OMG WATCH OR DIE: After yesterday’s heavy entry, I wanted to lighten the mood a … #
  • 09:31 Vic Fuentes is brilliant. Worth the wait. #
  • 10:06 I feel sorry for any song that tries to follow Underminded’s “Who Needs a Bodybag.” #
  • 11:00 Just kicked it at the cem. My sweat stinks of chicken soup. #
  • 12:04 When someone says “I’ll take care of it,” I never believe them, thanks to nine years of Henry not taking care of it. #
  • 12:45 I’m having fun with #formspringme. (Oh, am I?) Create an account and follow me at (Yes, do that.) #
  • 14:16 I came outside and 3 kids instantly glommed onto me. I give good awkward & kids clearly love that. I am in kindercare hell. #
  • 14:47 I’m now the property of a 6-year-old girl. When it was time for me to come inside, she screamed, “BUT I WANT TO PLAY WITH THE BIG GIRL!” Hm. #
  • ***
  • 09:16 If all goes as planned, I should be seeing my older brother today for the first time in 11 years. #
  • 09:32 Chooch & Brooke: The Big Meet-Up #
  • 11:40 Oh my god Chooch and my big brother could get in real trouble together. #
  • 11:46 My Grandma Lois keeps thinking my brother is Chooch’s dad and we’re like NO! GROSS! #
  • 14:54 I have a big brother, too!: I haven’t talked to my older brother Shawn (same dad) in about three years and haven’t… #
  • 15:12 RT @TSNBobMcKenzie Halak to the St. Louis Blues. Done deal. #
  • 18:19 I want a black forest cake for my birthday. And some dynamite. #
  • 19:44 Today is real special, you know? #
  • ***
  • 00:24 Pretend everytime I entered a room, my arrival was announced through song by that broad in Thuggish Ruggish Bone. #
  • 09:33 When a Neighbor’s Inability to Drive Becomes EVERYONE’S Problem: A few months ago, Hot Naybor Chris’s wife became … #
  • 11:39 Honestly thought I was about to be Susie Salmon’d just a bit ago in the cemetery. Maybe all my soupy sweat was the deterrent. #
  • 12:05 Chooch gets glass in his hand when he’s on Henry’s watch. Also, I don’t think anyone should use “exquisite” when talking about donuts. #
  • 13:36 I need more goth friends. #
  • 14:31 Me: This person says I have a “cute blog.” Henry, smirking: That means they didn’t read it. #
  • 14:34 Cross-eyed now from trying to take pictures of myself wearing my asshole-y new glasses while simultaneously wearing contacts. #
  • 14:55 It’s like looking for the perfect penis.: Well. My glasses are here. Yaaayyyy…. I hate them. They’re not big enoug… #
  • 19:06 Honestly thought I was about to be Susie Salmon’d just a bit ago in the cemetery. Maybe all my soupy sweat was the deterrent. #
  • 19:39 There’s an attorney here named Giovannelli. I’m taking that as a sign to listen to some Gino Vannelli tonight. NOT THAT I NEED A REASON. #
  • 21:17 I must have missed the memo that said Henry gets to treat me like shit in return for me allowing his son to live with us. #
  • 23:07 Suggested we consummate our love by playing an 11pm game of #thingieball. Henry unsurprisingly de clined. #
  • ***
  • 08:43 #deardad remember when i was 3 & you crashed your truck & died because you were a drug addicted alkie? Fond memory! #
  • 11:20 Perhaps I should start letting someone know exactly what cemetery I’m going to in case I do actually pass out or get kilt one of these days. #
  • 13:25 The Christina Chronicles: The Death Tree: A green and black striped Henley and jeans with a hole in the knee was w… #
  • 13:26 That was super hard to write. Super super hard. #
  • 14:29 Hi Twitter. I just had a long heart-to-heart with my mysterious neighbor and I feel so much better now. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweets. that is all.

June 12th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 17:21 Earlier, I was blasting Circle Takes the Square while sitting at a red light, but turned it down as an old lady walked past. GOOD SAMARITAN. #
  • 17:24 HAY PITTSBURGHERS! Stop wishing for the rain to go away. My witch collection hasn’t fully melted yet. Fuck. #
  • 18:56 #itsnotcheatingif you kill your boyfriend/girlfriend first. (Totally a “duh” Tweet, but maybe some of you didn’t know.) #
  • 19:16 Henry just taught me the difference between a sawhorse and a barricade. Just an example of the scintillating car convos we share. #
  • 20:10 Aaaaaaand this is why we don’t take the animal child out to eat. #
  • 20:19 Chooch is pissed off. I know this because he just screamed I’M PISSED OFF from the backseat. #
  • 20:23 I’d like to see K$sha bash in that hag Katy Perry’s face. #
  • 21:39 I just ordered a pair of eyeglasses and am honestly about to puke because of it. #
  • 23:48 When do I get to have a party thrown for ME? Fuck. #
  • ***
  • 00:34 I think Henry missed the memo that told the world Erin hates to be babytalked. #
  • 00:55 I can always count on Silent Library. #
  • 08:46 I’m putting some hawt Xiu Xiu tracks on Henry’s Birthday Party play list. He’s going to be so appreciative. #
  • 10:13 Everyone seems to be in a GREAT mood today! #
  • 11:18 I think my stomach wants to get checked for an ulcer in a decidedly DIY fashion. Henry, grab the steak knife; we’re going in. #
  • 11:54 I’m trying so very hard to let Henry do the things he wants to do today, including watch what he wants to watch on TV OMG IT’S KILLING ME. #
  • 12:26 Henry found out about the 3 Xiu Xiu songs I slipped on his playlist & he made a disapproving face. Way to shit on your bday gift, Hank. #
  • 12:30 OMG Henry shares a birthday w ith @Altpress. I’m fucking jelis. #
  • 13:15 I have a strong desire to watch that old 90s series “Sisters.” #
  • 19:27 My phone was dead for almost the entirety of Henry’s party. Good thing there was literally nothing to tweet about. #
  • 21:34 Henry just showed me the new blog layout he’s been making for me and I could almost kiss him, that’s how much better it is than the current. #
  • 21:34 …and it only took TWO YEARS of my bitching to finally get him to do it. #
  • 21:39 Holy save, Niemi! Go cry about it, Richards! #StanleyCup #
  • 22:12 Henry won’t look at my red eye. That’s just rude. #
  • 23:10 Oh shit. I just asked Henry why he likes his life & he said, “Because you’re in it.” I couldn’t think of anything assholey to say!!! #
  • *** Read more
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Tweeting thru humidity

June 05th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 16:42 I don’t know why I bother with “blogging communities.” I never fucking fit in. And believe me, I don’t wanna. #notamommyblogger #
  • 19:13 Either Xtina Aguilera hasn’t heard of Lady Gaga or her career has flatlined to the point where she has to piggyback someone else’s schtick. #
  • 19:15 Twilight has made me hate Muse. #
  • 19:51 Has spent the last 30min laughing at the assholes trying to cut the grass at the church across the street. #
  • 19:54 My fave part is when they try to go around the tree. #
  • 20:12 I just had a spontaneous dance-conniption in the car to Andy Gibb & Chooch yelled at me to stop, WTF? #
  • 21:02 If pistachio is an option, I always take it. #
  • 21:08 Munhall has got to be the catch-all for the loud-mouthed Jersey Girl wannabes of Western PA. Goddamn, STFU you porky twats. #
  • 21:09 I just burped up soft-serve and I’m still classier than these permed bitches. #
  • 22:34 Now how long will the #Hawks keep this lead? This game is nutz0rz. #StanleyCup #
  • 22:44 I’m still having a hard time coping with the fact that I’m watching the motherdouching FLYERS in the #StanleyCup final. #
  • 23:24 I’ve not seen a single minute of any Shrek movie. I intend to keep it that way, child or no child. #
  • ***
  • 00:56 Hey @awoodhick? Laaaaaaaast maILLLLLlll. #
  • 01:27 I wish more people used “lamby” to describe me. Maybe if I start wearing my powdered wig again. #
  • 01:28 RT @drosennhl Amazing stat of the night: 11 goals and 20 assists, and not one of the 31 points goes to a first line player. #stanleycup #
  • 10:29 Absolutely live for dripping my salty sweat sauce over tombstones. Best start to a day. #
  • 13:30 Alisha just said an 8 yo girl was hot. She’s caught some of Henry’s pedophilia I suppose. Don’t judge. #
  • 14:00 There is so much I don’t know about apples. I should have stayed in college. #
  • 14:06 Alisha buys things like STEAK at the grocery store. I guess she’s too good to get it from the morgue like the rest of us. #
  • 18:19 I gots two bitches who cook for me. Today it’s Alisha; Henry took the day off. #
  • 18:39 Last mail is the new miscegenation. #
  • 20:49 Oh shit I came home to find Henry consorting with Hot Naybor Chris at his COOKOUT. #
  • 20:51 And now our other neighbor Mark is here and he and Henry are BOTH WEARING BANDANNAS. #
  • 20:58 Hot Naybor Chris is blitzed. Henry should take advantage. #
  • ***
  • 10:06 I know this is something surprising, but I don’t interact well with kids. #
  • 10:28 Oh shit the parade has begun w/ majorettes having a sound system malfunction. I laffed & Alisha said she’s surprised I haven’t been hanged:( #
  • 10:46 They could at least give us some flame throwers. Or put ME in the fucking parade. #
  • 13:00 What the hell kind of name is Finbarr. #
  • 15:27 Wkly artists: Sleeping With Sirens (14), Circa Survive (3) & The Number Twelve Looks Like You (2) #
  • 15:34 I think I finally found xtra large grandpa glasses, but I’m afraid they won’t be as large as I need to stop myself from falling down steps. #
  • 15:37 If I could have dinner w/ any dead celeb, it’d be Brett Somers so I can ask her where the fuck she went to super size her eyeglasses. #
  • 15:52 Ideally, I’d like to just get a welder’s mask in my prescription. Or Lasik. But probably the mask. #
  • 17:24 I felt like shit all day, yet still jogged in the cemetery for an hour, thru literal air puddles of humidity. Guess my IQ. #
  • 17:47 Wading thru humidity is like rolling over to go to sleep only to forget abt the pool of cum on yr pillow – grimey yet slightly erotic. #
  • 17:48 Re: humidity is erotic: Maybe just for those of us who also like peeing on ppl. #
  • 18:27 Always nice hearing Henry snicker as I struggle to make a pb&honey sandwich. Apparently I can’t even spread pb like u normal ppl. Scrutiny! #
  • 21:13 So many reasons to root for the #Blackhawks. Carcillo alone is one. #StanleyCup #
  • ***
  • 11:08 Just watched in horror as my kid purposely fell backward off the porch. It’s only going to get worse, & then comes the MTV series. #
  • 22:53 I’m still not over the savage murder of Jonny, my jump rope. Not that anyone has had the decency to ask!! #
  • 22:56 @leota I put a few m&m’s in my mouth, letting them melt, &pressing them against the roof of my mouth w/ my tongue. I <3 the crackling sound! #
  • ***
  • 14:04 I DON’T WANNA!!!!!!!! #
  • 15:10 Welp. I think it’d be best if I don’t chime into THIS convo: #
  • 15:13 Just now! I learned that it’s not the MOP that’s a piece of shit. It’s ME that’s a piece of shit. #
  • 15:38 Tell @awoodhick to take me to Allentown, PA as a late bday present. I have important business to tend to. #
  • 21:15 Just had a grilled cheese made on a hot dog bun. It was made w/ real cheese, not Cheez-Whiz, so it’s only halfway to a white trash entree. #
  • 21:25 It’s ridiculous how sickening the Flyers are. I just can’t take them seriously, Stanley Cup Finals or not. #
  • 22:34 NIEMI!! Jesus Christ, Blackhawks. Please. Put this game away!! #StanleyCup #
  • ***
  • 09:42 It upsets me that Formspring doesn’t keep an archive of old q&a’s. Because mine were so THOUGHFUL, you know. #
  • 12:42 Hay look @ the dumb! In my “serious research” for The Christina Chronicles, I’ve made it to the journal containing… #
  • 13:09 Today I’ll wear a silk pantsuit and fuck a lot of old dudes in Blanche’s honor. #
  • 14:12 Role reversal: Me: I don’t wanna go to workkkkkkk. Chooch, sighing in frustration: But you HAVE to. #
  • 16:24 I feel hateful when I hear these lawyers talk about how “indigent” they are. #
  • 17:30 OMG LAST MAIL!!!!!!! #
  • 18:42 I’m wearing my favorite shoes today OK?! #
  • 21:57 The CW syndicating Moonlight is such a fucking tease. SUCH A FUCKING TEASE. #
  • ***
  • 11:25 This whole “finding goggle-sized eyeglasses” mission is pissing me off. I found a large plastic green pair but they don’t look large enough. #
  • 11:29 OH THIS IS TERRIBLE. They might not cover my neuroses. #
  • 12:40 Father of the Year didn’t buy any food. Please send help for Chooch and me. Send troops if you have to; cans of porridge. #
  • 15:30 Henry suggested shopping at the clown store for eyeglasses. I pretended to be hurt, but that’s not a bad idea, really. #
  • ***
  • 00:14 On the night of May 30, 2005, I cried in the car & kept imagining jamming a shard of glass into my neck, AWESOME!! True story from my DIARY. #
  • 10:07 Me: “do u want me to put something on for you?” Chooch: “NO I LIKE THIS SHOW!” (It’s Snipers on the History Channel. Fantastic.) #
  • 10:55 This is the largest I’ve ever grown Sea Monkeys and I’m a little scared of them. And grossed out, too. #
  • 11:38 I stood up and almost fell, & in the process wound up doing an accidental contemporary dance move. Mia Michaels would have LOVED it. #SYTYCD #
  • 13:50 Every time I hear that shitty Katy Perry song, I get so angry that she was once at Warped Tour. I wanna make her drink her Proactive. Hag. #
  • 14:28 MY SEA MONKEYS ARE MATING!? Oh my god, it’s repulsive. But I don’t want it to stop. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.


tweets, begging for churchy literature

May 29th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 15:04 You just don’t really see people drinking wine from severed heads anymore. #
  • 17:06 Spending an hour running in the rain thru the cemetery while listening to post-hardcore = best thing EVER. Can’t wait to live there. #
  • 17:42 Nice empty net save by Bergeron! #Habs #StanleyCup #
  • 17:44 If the Flyers win this series, I will literally have no one to root for in the Stanley Cup finals. No one. #
  • 17:46 Leig hton is the new Halak. #
  • 19:24 Oh hello lavendar white chocolate iced mocha, let’s have sex tonight. I’ll bring the strap-on. #
  • 20:04 Just ran into my old friend Kim at the craft store. Apparently, her mom & Henry’s mom were friends back in the day so Henry butted in. #
  • 20:16 Seeing her brought back memories of slipping into bars when I was 17. BACK WHEN I WAS EXCITING & NOT BORING. #
  • 21:56 Pretty much my only ability in life is unfailingly knowing where the tape measure is, even tho I NEVER use it. & trust me, it gets around. #
  • 22:39 Q :What is the significance of Appledale? … A:I saw it on a sign for a farm two years … #
  • ***
  • 00:07 Henry just went down into the basement to break up a cat fight and he is NOT happy about it. #
  • 00:09 And by “break up,” I mean that he tossed a screen at them, of which we evidently have extra. #
  • 01:41 Heidi Montag: “All guys are controlling.” I just looked at Henry, who’s eating ribs & reading Better Homes & Gardens, & laughed. #
  • 01:45 I’m glad @mrsevils chose to test on me, & not some poor, downtrodden albino Thumper. #
  • 01:58 Don’t these broads on The Hills realize that the only person who can save Heidi is LC? By making out. That should send Spencer back to Mars. #
  • 10:24 Waiting for my eye doctor to not approve my 1800Contacts order because he hates me. #
  • 10:48 I wish Henry would start making POLENTA again so I can brush the dust off my POLENTA blog category. #
  • 11:22 I put my pants on left leg first; I don’t even know who I am anymore. #
  • 13:02 Alisha, Chooch and I were just God blessed by the town schizo. #
  • 16:00 My upstairs is clean for the first time in at least 6 years! (& I do mean the upstairs of my house, not my mind – that remains filthy.) #
  • 16:41 I feel remarkably better since throwing my Sunday temper tantrum. #
  • 16:52 I think I was lavendar in a past life. #
  • 18:33 Having a 4 year old means never getting to watch live TV. DO NOT SPOIL THE #LOST FINALE FOR ME, TWITTER. Vampire Diaries was bad enough. #
  • 18:39 I’m going to avoid the Internet altogether. As soon as I figure out how to do that. #Lost #
  • 19:10 I wonder if Donald Trump fired the person responsible for scheduling Celebrity Apprentice’s finale on the same night as #Lost. #
  • ***
  • 00:35 That was a depressing 2.5 hours; spent a good portion crying into Henry’s stomach. I’m in denial. #Lost #
  • 00:42 Just went to hug Henry for solace and he pulled back because he thought I was going to hit him. 9 yrs, should be desensitized by now. #
  • 09:35 Don’t mind me, I’m just reaching for your necklace. #
  • 10:07 anyone asking me to explain the #lostfinale is clearly amnesic to the fact that I’m a dummy. #
  • 11:00 Chooch is sick. I’ll be damned if he’s going to out-drama me. #
  • 12:22 I’m confused as to why Dancing With the Stars is America’s #1 show. How embarrassing for our country. #
  • 14:34 Q:What’s the most unselfish thing you’ve e… A:Allowed Henry to use me as arm candy. Be… #
  • 14:36 Ask me how I like my dead bodies: #
  • 17:37 My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Punk Goes Classic Rock (8), Chiodos (5) and Pierce the Veil (5) #lastfm #
  • 19:02 Macaroons are apparently not what i thought they were. Turns out, they’re my new favorite cookie. I’d eat thru my arm for one. #
  • ***
  • 09:04 Day 2 of Chooch’s “IM SO SICK IM DYING!” pity party. Jesus Christ, where does he get this from?! #
  • 11:10 Q:If you could change anything about yours… A:I still have a flesh inner-tube from Cho… #
  • 11:10 Q:Why do you keep asking people to ask you… A:Because I’m a gullible asshole. You shou… #
  • 12:09 I think it’s a little preposterous that Henry won’t leave work to get me a lavender white chocolate iced mocha. He needs to learn priorities #
  • 12:39 Having a 4yo means unintentionally acting out variations of Who’s On First. All day long. #
  • 13:15 Chooch is quoting the old Gypsy woman from Drag Me to Hell. Now he’s recounting all the scenes. “& then the girl pukes all that blood…” #
  • 23:38 An episode without Sue Sylvestor does not fill me with much glee. #
  • ***
  • 09:36 Legitimately panic-attacking because I have an eye doctor appointment in an hour. #
  • 11:00 My new eye doctor is worlds better than my old one, & not just bc she didn’t call me a crack head. #
  • 11:11 Old people walk remarkably like zombies. I know this because I’m sitting in front of Old Country Buffet & a swarm of them are headed my way. #
  • 21:08 Do not talk about being a paramedic in front of Henry; I’ll have to hear him rant about it later. #
  • 21:47 I was LITERALLY just thinking, “Not enough cars idle in front of my house, causing earthquakes w/ their bass” when God answered my prayers. #
  • 21:58 Q:What’s your biggest guilty pleasure curr… A:Totally MTV reality. I think the only on… #
  • 22:15 I just read somewhere that bloggers shouldn’t “cuss” in their posts; they should keep it “professional.” Well, my shitty blog is FUCKED. #
  • ***
  • 12:05 Chooch makes my job easy sometimes. He just ate soap of his own volition. #
  • 13:44 I need like, 10 potato sacks. Thanks. #
  • 14:57 I finally added Google Friend Connect on my blog. U should click on it so I look popular. It’s on the right side! #
  • 14:59 I hate how much I still love Emarosa, in spite of all it means to me. #
  • 15:41 Henry just yelled at some jaywalker. Through a closed window. He is so hardcore I’m tempted to bare my breast for him. #
  • 15:46 There are Menonites downtown putting on a choral concert on the sidewalk. I’m tempted to punt Chooch out the car at them & flee. #
  • 18:18 Fuck a patent. #
  • 18:22 My declaration of things being “righteous” doesn’t happen as often as it should. Probably b/c I’m neither Bill nor Ted, but still. #
  • 20:19 I hate the word “snarky.” How is that even a portmanteau for “fucking asshole.” #
  • 22:51 Next Winter Classic to be held at Heinz Field – another reason for the rest of the country to hate the Penguins! #nhl #
  • ***
  • 09:52 It is never too early to be this obnoxious. Or drink from the w ine bottle. #
  • 13:10 Why do I have to DO stuff when I come outside, Chooch? Why can’t I just sit on my ass & tan? It’s pretty much my best talent. #
  • 13:22 How am I supposed to send my kid to preschool when he can’t grasp the simple logistics behind HOPSCOTCH? Oh my god, laughing stalk. #
  • 13:23 Wait. I don’t think I’m doing it right, either. Isn’t someone supposed to chuck a rock at my face at some point? #
  • 15:06 Hopefully before Gary Coleman died, he learned what Willis was talkin’ ’bout. #
  • 15:47 Henry’s jaywalker bloodlust is out of control. He just made a bunch of teenagers scream in horror. #
  • 17:50 Listening to Barb ordering Sounds of the 70s. JELIS. #
  • ***
  • 11:08 Nothing beats getting held hostage by a carful of Witnesses while I’m drenched in sweat at the cemetery. #
  • 11:32 Sorry ladies, this is 14 yrs too late. #
  • 12:19 According to the Jesus people, I’m a “very energenic little thing.” I’m still laughing at the “little” part. #
  • 12:43 Oh. I guess I never told Henry that I have a sex tape. Well, now you know, buddy! #
  • 12:57 @sandehagen it’s ridic, right?? I had Menonites or some shit hand me literature on my way into work 2 days ago, as well. I must be marked. #
  • 13:49 Et tu, Dennis Hopper? #
  • 13:59 I’m pretty sure Chooch thinks the only way to die is to be killed by Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers. #
  • 14:05 At a different cemetery now, flowering my Pappap’s grave. They have their own radio station here called Prayer in the Air. It’s fantastic. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweets: slightly more annoying than a cat in heat

May 22nd, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 16:05 There are men fishing in front of a crowd downtown, with Whitney Houston playing on a transistor radio. Like it sounds, it’s not awesome. #
  • 17:38 Henry to Chooch: “Yr the last thing ppl want to see while eating.” Right. Not sliced eyeballs, Speidi 69’ing, hobo chugging tranny sex jam. #
  • 17:58 Hay look @ the dumb! tweets: burying the Penguins hashtag for awhile. :(: Earth-shattering updates throughout the … #
  • 19:35 I don’t dislike the Chiodos stuff I’ve heard, sans Craigery Owens, but I do feel dirty listening to Brandon Bolmer sing “Letter to Janelle.” #
  • 20:13 I’ve never heard the expression “soup to nuts” before this week, & have since heard it twice. Maybe it means I should eat more soup & nuts. #
  • 20:15 Same here, much to the relief of my followers RT @Jagrmeister: Without Penguins hockey, my tweets will decrease by 17.34% on a daily basis. #
  • 21:05 I hope I turn pretty when I get older. Just like Queen Latifah did. #
  • 23:45 Could have sworn Henry said he was going to the morgue. #
  • 23:46 ☂☹♥♠✈✔♨☁❦☕✩ #
  • ***
  • 02:32 My text about hockey to 93.7 The Fan was read on the air, followed by an emphatic “EXACTLY” & b/c I’m half-drunk this has made my life. #
  • 12:32 Pictures of Chooch & A Pointless Trip Downtown #
  • 12:50 Last night was one of the best night’s I’ve had in awhile. Here’s hoping Henry doesn’t poop all over that today. #
  • 14:03 I am not goddamn Goldie Hawn. #
  • 14:08 Henry doesn’t know if I like lime or not because we just met last week. #
  • 14:51 At Yuppie Mecca, ie playground at North Park. Henry & I don’t stick out AT ALL. Chooch is the coolest kid here, at least. #
  • 14:54 Oh please. This lady is NOT sitting in lotus. No, seriously. What a fucking twat. #
  • 15:54 Watching Henry teach Chooch to ride a bike showed me a montage of future Jackass segments. Chooch was trying to crash on purpose!
  • 16:22 Judging by the positive reaction of strangers, the faux hawk was the right choice for Chooch’s dome. #
  • 17:12 It’s nice being able to watch this hockey game without my heart (& fingernail shrapnel) getting lodged in my throat. #Sharks #Hawks #
  • 19:08 He only eats the good part: #
  • 19:21 Chooch to Henry: Dont marry Mommy; that would be so disgusting. #
  • 22:41 Can’t wait for the new Oceana album. Pretty sure it’ll devour all the fucking annoyances around me. If not, back to the bomb manual. #
  • 22:45 Wish Satan would stop communicating through my son every night at bed time. It was silly at 1st but now I’m ready to call the God Squad. #
  • 22:47 Q:If you could have a super power, what wo… A:To bind assholes with cheese curd trampo… #
  • 22:50 I”m going to start walking around on stilts fashioned from plastic tumblers, a la Romper Room. Maybe then ppl will stop talking down to me. #
  • ***
  • 00:42 I’m so giddy, posing hypotheticals, that I almost just puked on Henry’s stomach. He keeps yelling, “OK, GOODNIGHT!” #
  • 00:46 I NEED LITTLE GIANT BLUEBERRIES! I want to take my dentures out & eat them with a spoon for breakfast. #
  • 00:50 The real tragedy on this episode of “Design U” isn’t that the homeowner’s foyer is dated, but that her 90yo bff told her so. #
  • 00:51 Just mishea rd “closet doors” as “suppositories.” #
  • 01:08 Henry: 45 minutes ago, you said you were going to bed. Me: No, that was when you told me to go to bed. #
  • 09:23 Video: Chooch doesn’t need paint on his face to get into zombie-mode #
  • 13:41 A painting that I shipped in January was just returned to me today. I hate mailing things. Worst part about having Etsy shops. #
  • 14:13 Currently: 4 cops at Robin’s. #
  • 16:40 Ever look at your thumb and it’s like looking at a stranger? Somewhere in the Bible, it will say amputation is the answer. #
  • 18:33 The analyst in the office next to me is blasting T’Pau & I’m suddenly very happy, although wishing I could swap out my heels for skates. #
  • 19:49 I always have to catch myself before adding “z0rz” to the end of words at work. Ohwellz0rz. :( #
  • 19:50 And I wonder why p eople are shocked to find out I’m 30, not 20. #
  • 23:47 It’s not drugging when the Nyquil trips and falls down Chooch’s throat. Right? #
  • ***
  • 00:18 I haven’t watched the Gossip Girl finale yet but I can only hope a chandelier made from daggers & Lady Gaga’s acrylics falls on Serena. #
  • 10:42 Today I Learned the Definition of “Later” #
  • 12:29 I am being ordered to tweet about Chooch’s dream, in which he was bad at the playground, & it was “white&dark, white&dark, white&dark.” #
  • 12:30 Perhaps Chooch can just start writing in my blog for me, too. I could use a break. And his posts would probably be better anyway. #
  • 19:39 It makes me happy when lawyers here compliment me on my clothes & shoes. It’s the small things.
  • ***
  • 00:15 Just saw previews for Eclipse; realized I do n’t remember shit from the book except it being another 300+ pages of 0 character development. #
  • 11:24 Chooch’s Zombie Party: the official account #
  • 12:02 I hope someday I make it back to Morocco. #
  • 12:05 I love how Henry sends me ads for all the shows I can’t go to because he keeps making me get evening jobs. Fucker dummy. #
  • 13:39 Chooch & I were doing yoga; he was making me laff so hard I had to stop & take his pic. #
  • 15:03 My child is attempting to garrote himself with a strand of Easter basket grass. At least he’s suicidally creative. #
  • 18:30 My easy job is about to get much more challenging & I kind of can’t wait. #
  • 19:47 Young Yoga Master #
  • 20:29 We’re giving one of my co-workers a ride home tonight. I hope Henry & Chooch don’t act like fucking turkey basters & screw this up for me. #
  • 22:01 Chooch is on a yoga kick, for real. He just paused during his “goodnight stretch” routine to take a huge gulp of chocolate milk. #
  • 22:43 Finally made it to the 3/30 episode of Lost. Why did I let so many build up? Oh right, because this season is boring the shit outta me. #
  • ***
  • 08:26 left chooch alone for 5 mins with informercials; now all he can talk abt is a blender called the Amazing Power Puff (?) that we HAVE to buy. #
  • 12:19 Just spent the last 30 minutes befriending a wasted boy trying to sell magazines. His parting advice to Chooch: don’t get branded. #
  • 12:20 And out of the blue, he asked me if I was happy. We’re Facebook friends now. (Assuming he accepts my request! I might die if he doesn’t!) #
  • 12:52 It’s so rare that I converse w/ strangers at length these days, that my short episode w/ Ray the Magazine Schiller really struck me. #
  • 17:30 My coworker was bragging about meeting Chooch last night & all the ladies made jealous exclamations. I’m like, “Ladies, don’t fight.” #
  • 18:44 The date has been set for Blogathon 2010 & I’m totally doing it again. Who’s with me??? WE CAN MOVE THE WORLD! #
  • 19:50 Please keep this up, #Habs. #StanleyCup (Sorry, just can’t quit the hockey tweets.) #
  • 21:51 Took Chooch w/ me to run on a high school track & he nearly out-ran two men for an entire lap. They were impressed & stopped to tell me so. #
  • 21:52 “He’s gonna be on TV someday,” the one man said. Yeah, let’s hope it’s the Olympics & not OUTRUNNING THE LAW. #
  • ***
  • 08:46 Well. Henry left me another voicemail of himself having sex with machinery. Get a life. #
  • 12:34 Henry asked me if I missed him; I said YES real quick, because I thought it meant he had something for me. Turns out he was just wondering. #
  • 14:18 Discovered 11 voice memos on my phone, all left in various zombie groans. Thanks son. #
  • 15:10 Me: according to all my old journals, we shouldn’t even be together. Henry: I don’t need any old journals to tell me THAT. #
  • 18:02 Henry texted me to say that Chooch ordered his own rib dinner; waited his turn & everything. Now all he needs us for is to wipe his ass:( #
  • 22:32 Come on, #Sharks! #
  • 22:37 Went to the high school track again w/ my bodyguards. It’s scary there at nite, could get raped by the industrial arts instructor. #
  • 10:32 I apparently just ate a toaster struedel like it was my first time. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweets: burying the Penguins hashtag for awhile. :(

May 15th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 18:08 Somehow I managed to not tweet once during Chooch’s zombie party. #
  • 18:15 RT @CocoaDeeLamo: pic of @daboogmang and the birthday boy as zombies! #
  • 20:30 Bill and Jessi are here for post-zombie party #Pens madness. Just apologized for screaming when Gonchar scored!!!! #
  • 22:34 @Josh_Hilden nudity at my house! NSFW! #
  • 22:39 Chooch told the pizza guy, “I have pants on.” He didn’t call him a douche cup though; that name’s reserved for @daboogmang. #
  • 23:13 Just learned the critically acclaimed dance called Dishing Out the Sausage. Ever heard of it? #
  • ***
  • 00:33 Good job, #Sharks! #
  • 09:53 I’ve learned t o expect nothing for Mother’s Day, much like my birthday. #
  • 10:30 Chooch, in his glory with a remote control Zombie and Leatherface from his party// #
  • 12:29 At King’s. Just yelled at Chooch but the offender was really Bill! #
  • 13:04 The same pot has been in my sink for a week now. I’m proving a point by not washing it. Unforch, that point has gone unnoticed by Henry. #
  • 13:52 I hate it when Jessi and Bill leave! So does Chooch, but the fact that he can now take off his pants is comforting him. #
  • 14:35 I just washed the dishes while Henry naps luxuriously upon the couch. Happy mother’d day. #
  • 16:09 King’s (my blog titles get more and more generic) #
  • 20:07 Zombie Chooch: Sneak Peek #
  • 20:18 Henry tried to strangle me while I had my hands in my pockets and my panicking made them stuck! It was horrible. #
  • ***
  • 09:47 Thanks to @ohidontthinkso for buying every coloring utensil known to man, Chooch is in a very quiet zone this morning. Bless you, Kara! #
  • 10:1 8 I never tire of “Hungry Like the Wolf.” Chooch just said it’s a bitchy song & he’s mocking it. Asshole kid. #
  • 11:39 Thank god for sidewalk chalk #
  • 11:49 My neighbor Robin is broadcasting some serious classic rock from her house right now. I’m imagining her slunk across the sofa, binged out. #
  • 11:50 I just realized it’s Bad Company’s greatest hits. I love Robin. #
  • 12:15 Asked Chooch what kind of bday party he wants to have next yr. W/o hesitation he said, “A carrot party. W/ carrot icing.” Got it, friends? #
  • 12:45 My Favorite Neighbor: Robin #
  • 12:57 I think I was just criticized by an older mom-type for having the audacity to throw my kid a zombie party. Glad she didn’t come, then. #
  • 15:46 Making Henry listen to the new Pierce the Veil in the car & staring at him for a reaction. I know he loves it. The blank stare tells me. #
  • 19:17 I wish people would stop printing important legal documents so I can HEAR THE HOCKEY GAME. #
  • 19:23 HAHAHAHA CROSBY SCORES! #Pens #Habs Keep taunting him, Montreal. #
  • 20:45 CHOOCH GOT ME SEA MONKEYS!!! I have the best kid. #
  • 20:50 Henry is Cruel #
  • 20:57 Had the nerve to call Henry a douche cup, making Chooch flip his lid. “NO THAT’S BILL! BILL IS THE DOUCHE CUP!” #
  • ***
  • 11:06 I may be alone in this boat, but the customer support ppl at AT&T are the only ones who don’t cause me to make stabbing motions. #
  • 11:13 Chooch will take a bath in five weeks, in case you were wondering how long to expect the jelly smears to remain stained on his cheeks. #
  • 15:41 Henry is angry because he took a whole minute out of his day to explain a pressure washer to me, only for me to say “That sounds stupid.” #
  • 16:18 Rain + #Pens loss = wrist-slitting atmosphere in the office today. #
  • 16:31 I sure hope the mere fact that I like Happy Town doesn’t curse it into cancellation. #SaveHappyTown!!! #
  • 22:12 Forgot how stupidly high my heels are until I took them off and had to re-train myself to stand flat-foot. #
  • 23:26 Boy, watching “Drag Me to Hell” alone, before I go to bed, is definitely going to turn out to be one of them there brilliant ideas. #
  • ***
  • 00:37 My neighbors are dragging body bags down the steps again, no biggie. Probably stuffing them in the trunk of their $207,000 car about now. #
  • 10:06 Welp, today’s (obvious) lesson is definitely: Don’t Trust Chooch With Scissors. #
  • 10:18 Nothing like starting the day with some bloody trauma, mopping up big crimson drops. #
  • 11:26 Oh just great. Now my other cats have developed blood lust. TODAY IS WONDERFUL, THANKS FOR ASKING. #
  • 11:29 I am trying to avoid anything hockey-related until the game starts for fear of puking up stomach acid. #Pens #StanleyCup #
  • 13:00 Since this is popular now, maybe ppl will actually ask me something! #
  • 13:58 Hard to imagine that this kid innocently watching Tom & Jerry was the cause of blood shed earlier. #
  • 15:03 Maybe I’m WEIRD but I fail to see the humor in my cat nearly getting her ear lopped off by my child. Fuck today. #
  • 15:04 And apparently, my son has taken to pissing on the basement floor. My grandma was right: I wasn’t meant to have children. #
  • 16:30 We’ve been discussing flashlights at work for the past 10 minutes. Henry would have a boner if he were here. #
  • 17:42 Hockey anticipation is seriously raping and pillaging my entire nervous system. #
  • 18:16 @ohidontthinkso and if Letang fucks up again tonite, I’m blaming Brenna & her stalking. #
  • 18:42 Had a bunch of women share their own children/pet horror stories & these are kids who were raised on Barney, etc. #
  • 19:53 Preparing for the worst. It’s not the end of the world. There’s still hockey to watch even if the #Pens lose. &lt;– My fake “mature” side. #
  • 19:54 Still, it would be nice if it was the #Habs turn to blow a lead. If they win this, they deserve to hoist the cup in June. #
  • 21:13 “Great save by Halak.” When ISN’T it. #
  • 21:39 I love you #Pens. It was a fun season. #
  • 21:47 #habs better go all the way. I’ll be rooting for them. #stanleycup #
  • 22:01 & they earned it: RT @NHL: #Habs first 8th seed to reach Eastern Conference Final since current p layoff format adopted in 1994. #StanleyCup #
  • ***
  • 00:37 I think tomorrow I’ll dress like Shabba Ranks. #
  • 01:06 I’m wide awake & just had a flashback of going to work at the lawfirm, but it was the 1970s. 1970s Erin is much better looking. #
  • 01:12 I’ve been getting lots of condolences, like I just had a miscarriage instead of suffering a hockey loss. I have sweet friends. #stanleycup #
  • 09:37 Had a dream that I chipped my front tooth. I didn’t handle that very well. #
  • 09:50 Chooch thinks Henry’s a doctor since he put Neosporin on the cat’s ear. He’s i n for a rude awakening when he finds out Henry’s salary #
  • 11:33 remember that song sheryl crow & kid rock did together? me either until i just had the misfortune of hearing it on the radio. ruined my day. #
  • 11:35 Crosby, you’re still my boy. Fuck all the haters in Pittsburgh. Most of the ones bitching probably never watched a regular season game. #
  • 12:27 Foxy Shazam keeps getting better like I keep getting dumber. #
  • 15:00 Gelato before work. Henry wins today. #
  • 20:16 Was just asked, “May I flick your switch?” Please do, yes. #
  • ***
  • 03:56 Thank god Chooch’s dramatics have me awake at 3:54am otherwise I’d have missed “Easy Lover” on the radio. #
  • 09:33 The Vampire Diaries finale was great, though not very shocking thanks to all the SPOILERS I saw on Twitter. Fuck. #
  • 11:12 #Twitition We want to KEEP Happy Town on TV (ABC) @apparelbyal #
  • 12:50 Yes! Robin is outside in a bikini top. It’s things like this that make me thankful I work at night. #
  • 12:54 Sidney Crosby can’t even move out of Mario Lemieux’s house without backl ash. #NHL #Pens #
  • 15:37 Henry to me: Why would I want to listen to music that makes me want to die, when I can just talk to you? #
  • 19:39 KEEP IT UP #BRUINS!!! #
  • 20:47 Coulda left work early but got accosted by Tina Replicate, who was set on giving me a verbal tour of Hawaii. MOTHERFUCK. #
  • 21:00 It will be interesting when Chooch starts school & has classmates to invite to his bday parties, with the ideas he’s been throwing at me. #
  • ***
  • 01:59 One look at Chooch while he’s sleeping & I almost forget what an asshole he is when he’s awake. #
  • 08:57 PILATES. #
  • 11:41 He’s way too big:( might as well just be 21. #
  • 11:54 In the span of 20 seconds, Chooch made a table of ladies “aw&qu ot; & a retarded guy laugh. #
  • 12:19 On the trolley, laughing at a cop who’s brushing his hair. Just got A Look from Henry, made me laugh harder. #
  • 12:27 Today I’m going to try and learn about my city. No, I’m not. Haha. That’s just silly. #
  • 13:56 At Oyster House, Chooch was told by the waitress: Youre not your average kid, are you? #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweetin’ on ah come up

May 08th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 16:46 The Jonny Craig. #
  • 16:49 Watching Shaun of the Dead, Chooch just yelled “You failed!” to the zombie who got speared at the playground. #
  • ***
  • 12:47 Every time the Lady Gaga “Telephone” video comes on, Chooch stops what he’s doing and get this perverted smirk on his face. Scares me. #
  • 14:04 one faux hawk and a little too much honesty // #
  • 14:20 I feel better already. #
  • 15:07 Let’s play We Rule on the iPhone! My gamername is ‘ohhonestlyerin’. #
  • 16:15 Chooch Nostalgia: The Big Baptism Class #
  • 16:26 Looks like the #Habs have your number, #Pens. #
  • 16:59 Chooch and I are about to wash dishes together. This probably won’t be funny. Not at all. #
  • 18:27 Oh that’s nice. Now it looks like one of us punched Chooch in the eye. #
  • 20:19 I’m always the last to finish my ice cream cone. #
  • ***
  • 00:30 It would be a lot better if the sequel was Sex and the City Goes to Hell in Hand-Me-Downs. #
  • 12:04 The UPS man just shattered Chooch’s dreams by accidentally coming to our house instead of the Professional Stair Stompers next door. #
  • 12:40 Wishing for Batcaves // #
  • 14:40 The Baptism // #
  • 14:56 “I don’t want you to watch hockey anymore; you’re always putting noise in my ears,” Chooch said casually as we washed dishes. #
  • 15:37 Henry was just telling me Panama/The Service stories & I was crying/laughing. “This is why I don’t talk about myself!” he yelled. #
  • 18:21 I inhaled way too many varnish fumes today. I think it’s making me type faster. And see purple spots. #
  • 19:43 Hahahaha I almost just passed out. I think maybe I need a nutritionist. Oh and better ventilation. #
  • 19:47 I madededed a bracelet // #
  • 21:20 It’s been so long since I’ve been to Denny’s NOTHING HERE IS FAMILIAR. #
  • ***
  • 00:46 I just gave myself implants. Should I be bleeding this much? Oh well, the plants needed watered anyway. #
  • 12:49 Today I cleaned the microwave. That should make me exempt from any form of labor for at least12 yrs. Oh wait, the Princess Card trumps that. #
  • 13:13 Since I cleaned the microwave, @awoodhick should cut the grass. And I do mean the yard, not the pubes of his Ukranian concubine. #
  • 13:38 When I asked Chooch why he put a large rock in the middle of the sidewalk, he said “So ppl will trip over it.” He must think I’m so dense. #
  • 13:43 OMG Hot Naybor Chris is cutting his grass & Henry is missing it. Oh well. #
  • 14:12 Please reserve a gurney; I’m teaching Chooch how to do cartwheels. #
  • 15:14 I could probably have an orgy in front of Henry & he wouldn’t notice as long as I put True Life on first. #
  • 16:52 Oh good I’m down to 50% vision. Been too long since that’s last happened. #
  • 21:06 MALKIN!! Glad they waited for me to come home from work before scoring. #pens #stanleycup #
  • 21:39 Fleury gets shutouts when they matter. Yay #Pens! #
  • 21:53 Chooch Nostalgia!: A Photoshoot, December 2006 &lt;–Oh, that’s so close to JIZZ! #
  • 22:39 What’s up, Red Wings? #
  • ***
  • 13:14 The Chooch and Dumb Mommy Show is happening live outside the house right now. #
  • 13:40 10 Random Things #
  • 14:33 Henry wasn’t home for 1 minute before he found the phone charger I’ve been searching for ALL DAY. One of the few reasons I keep him around. #
  • 15:18 Criminal Neighbor #
  • 19:22 Ever since I posted in my blog about hating being a mom, Chooch has been a real treat. Can he read now??? #
  • 20:17 Obsessing over my neighbors, no biggie b #
  • 20:19 “No biggie b” is the new no biggie. I OWN my typos, bitch. #
  • ***
  • 01:55 i wish it was 1986. I’d borrow a sweater from Dr Huxtable and audition for a Levert video. Maybe go to bed at a decent hour. Ayo. #
  • 11:27 Aside from the legit schizo* we had to cross the street to evade, Chooch’s and my walk to CVS was quite uneventful. (*Not a joke.) #
  • 11:29 Ok fine! My nerves are a little cranked right now. I’m calming down with a Java Monster. #
  • 11:40 SCHIZO JUST WALKED PAST MY HOUSE! I yanked Chooch inside to keep him safe, but mostly because I wanted to take pictures of her. #
  • 11:44 Today’s definition of awkward: a feuding couple walked belligerantly by. Chooch interrupted them to say hi. #
  • 11:47 There are schizophrenics in my family. Watching this lady roam around the church sidewalks, shouting, is like a glimpse of my future. #
  • 13:00 Chooch, watching the 2006 Night of the Living Dead: a NUDE zombie? What the hell? #
  • 14:02 Two guys in a truck slowed down to gawk at Chooch and me playing zombies in the front yard. Then I realized how lowcut my shirt is. Fuck. #
  • 14:08 I never get to be a zombie! He always makes me be Barbara! Furthermore, Chooch is the fastest zombie ever. He scares me! #
  • 17:32 Some of my co-workers have been dreaming of me. The plan is in motion. #
  • 19:22 Chris Kunitz and his reviewable goals; my fingernails suffer some more. #Pens #StanleyCup #
  • 20:53 Standing downtown, waiting for my ride home. Pretty sure these guys are scrubbing up a murder behind me. #
  • ***
  • 11:28 Who needs TV when there’s Brookline
  • 12:22 To all the ppl who didn’t give a shit about hockey until the #Pens made the playoffs: Yes, plz keep up the criticism! You know everything! #
  • 12:30 Dreamt that Matt Goddard from @chiodos was staying at our house and thought I was cool. The last part is how I know it was a dream. #
  • 12:36 Got an invitation to lunch from my boss at work. IN THE MAIL. So this is what a good work environment is like. Strange! #
  • 12:42 When Henry & I engage in a deadly domestic dispute (inevitably), I hope it’s somewhere cooler than Old Navy. #
  • 14:51 If I had to choose between my face & tits, I’d stare at my tits too, fellas. #
  • 15:00 Henry looks like one of the three muskateers today. And now I’m making myself sick from laughing at him. #
  • ***
  • 09:22 Henry is on the phone with his ex-wife! BE QUIET YOU GUYS. #
  • 11:07 Henry just called me a tattletale and said I’m like Chooch’s sister. :( #
  • 11:57 Listening to Armor For Sleep and mixing up some blood. #
  • 13:05 It’s a good thing i’m not a party planner professionally. #
  • 14:25 Alisha was blowing up a balloon and it burst in her face and I couldn’t stop laughing and Bill said it was forced. :( #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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tweeting for the devil’s hand

May 01st, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 14:44 Strawberry shortcake shot from Vanilla Pastry Studio. & I say again: Suck a dick, Dozen Cupcakes. #
  • 14:49 Chooch is on the fast track to sweets snobbery: #
  • 18:44 I’m on a ’90s r&b kick and I fear that a suicide attempt is looming. HO W DID I LISTEN TO THIS 24:7 AS A TEEN AND LIVE TO SEE 30??? #
  • 18:46 I wish I had more than 140 characters to tweet Henry’s muttering commentary as I flail around in despair. TIME FOR BABYFACE. K, BYE. #
  • 19:20 Another nerve-racking night of hockey, fisting my ulcer. #StanleyCup #
  • 19:25 Absolutely watching through finger-slats. #letsgopens? #
  • 19:40 Unfuckingbelievable. Send me to Toronto. #
  • 19:59 Chooch deleted my Zombie Farm. I might kill him. Henry is trying to play referee. I HATE KIDS! #
  • 20:09 Henry, trying to calm me down post-Zombie Farm fiasco: “Sweetheart, it’s just a game.” Bring me pills, vodka, Viking porn. NOT WORDS. #
  • 20:17 Crosby’s hurt & Ottawa continues to boo him. Fuck you, Canada. Classless poutine-fuckers. #
  • 20:31 COOKIE! Dump some cheese curds on this game and shove it up Ottawa’s ass! #pens #stanleycup #
  • 20:54 Can someone piss off Malkin? Or dress up as his parents? #pens #
  • 21:25 Keep taking away our goals, we’ll just come right back with one! #letsgopens #stanleycup #
  • 21:36 COOKIE AGAIN!!! Hurry up, ref. Find a reason to review this goal too. #pens #
  • 21:39 Cooke > Ruutu. #
  • 21:55 This game has me so stressed, I’ m about to start eating ice cream from the carton. And soaking in a gin bath. #pens #stanleycup #
  • 22:17 #PENS WIN!!!!!! I’M CRYING!!! At least the Sens don’t have far to go to get home. #teetime!!!! #
  • 22:21 Pascal beat Pascal. So fucking sweet! Good series, #sens. Tell Carrie Underwood to start writing a sad kuntry song for y’all. #StanleyCup #
  • ***
  • 00:06 I feel like having a $41 nightcap. #
  • 00:44 I was really pulling for the #Avs. #StanleyCup #
  • 10:23 Hmm. I’m putting together toys while Henry is upstairs sleeping. Must be either Christmas or Chooch’s birthday. #
  • 11:07 Chooch, mouth ensconsed with chocolate frosting, opts to spend his birthday morning watching his idol Jason Voorhees. #
  • 11:13 Remakes are lamesville, but at least this one’s got Jared Padalecki. (Though Jensen Ackles would be better.) #
  • 11:18 I’m starting a Coalition to Bomb the PlayMobile Headquarters. Fucking assholes, with their eleventy billion piece play sets. #
  • 12:03 Chooch, thoroughly impressed: “She’s really good at killing Jason.” He was so serious, & you missed it. #
  • 12:19 I’d be pissed off too, if I was made by PlayMobile: #
  • 15:33 Alisha just said it’s weird to see Chooch with pants on. It’s true. #
  • 15:37 Just suggested that we go run around in the rain. “Yeah you do that,” Alisha said. “In your see-thru shirt.” #
  • 17:37 I went to great lengths to hide that fucking PlayMobile set and ALISHA SOLD ME OUT. #
  • 17:38 FUCK YOU #
  • 18:17 I want Alisha to get the Bevmule. Then I can start drinking 4 beverages at once when I visit. #
  • 19:08 Alisha was in the middle of watching Coraline when I abruptly turned on NHL Network. She secretly wishes she got this channel. #
  • 20:06 When I complained that my headache hasn’t gone away, Henry muttered, “Thats because you can’t get away from yourself.” Dummy fucker. #
  • *** Read more
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More shitty tweets for nobody to read

April 24th, 2010 | Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day, brought to you by Tart-Tits. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 14:42 I just dusted, sorta! You guys should have been there. #
  • 16:56 Painted a bunch of umbrellas. Somnambulant goes Mary Poppins, apparently. I always want to spell apparently with an -ally b/c I’m dumb. #
  • 16:57 Cleaning update: Henry is asphyxiating on bleach in the bathroom; I’m watching a commercial for the EZ Cracker. #
  • 17:02 @penschat Agreed. I can’t stand fair-weathered fans. I guess not even Pittsburgh is above that shit, though. :/ #
  • 17:14 Boy. I was JUST ABOUT to get up and help Henry clean when I pulled some muscle somewhere. Oh well. A for effort! #
  • 17:24 Goddamn I sure love my laugh. Henry does too. It’s what made him fall in love with me. Not my deep-throating skillz, no sir. #
  • 18:13 Henry just admitted that I helped by staying out of his way. I bothered my cat Marcy all day instead. She says thanks, Henry! #
  • 21:54 Fuck Backstrum, am I right Montreal? #
  • 21:56 Backstrom. Backstrum. What the fuck ever. He should be carrying pails of water up a hill somewhere, is all I know. #
  • ***
  • 13:49 Henry’s starting a fight w/ me b/c when he asks what I want from the store I say “something delicious” then get pis sed at what he buys. #
  • 15:22 We’re @ the nursing home visiting Henry’s mom & he’s jelis b/c one of her neighbors is here, trying to steal Henry’s spot as her only son. #
  • 15:24 I think his name is Adrian & Henrys mom hasn’t said a word to Henry the whole time. Henry keeps twitching his ‘stache in fury. #
  • 16:17 The Chrstina Chronicles: Where Spring Fever & My Big Mouth Get Me In Trouble #
  • 16:39 Henry’s mom is popular. #
  • 18:54 Drankin’ wine, watching hockey. Thank god for weekend playoff games. #
  • 18:57 Oh Canada, how quickly you forget the man you’re booing is the one who won you that thing called THE OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL. #
  • 19:19 NO GOAL! Ottawa cries in their poutine. #letsgopens #stanleycup #
  • 19:34 I bought a Strap Perfect. I was starting to feel too cool, so I needed a lame purchase to knock me down. It was either that or a Bump-it. #
  • 19:36 And despite what the commercial says, Henry had to put it on my bra for me. It was less ‘boom chicka’, more circus calliope. #
  • 19:51 All you have to do is glance at my fingernails to know it’s #StanleyCup playoff time. #pens #
  • 20:12 KEEP BOOING CROSBY, GUYS! #stanleycup #
  • 20:50 For a second there, I was sure that was Uncle Jessie on the ice; turns out it was just a helmetless Kris Letang. #stanleycup #pens #
  • 21:03 Hate it when fans boo their own team. Hated it when Pittsburgh did it on Friday & now tonite Ottawa look like douches too. #Stanleycup #
  • 22:00 Chooch is bitching about having a headache & in a pissed off tone, he said, “Because you were too noisy during the hockey game!&quo t; #
  • ***
  • 10:51 Chooch is watching “Halloween” while I work on the computer. What a terrific example of great parenting. #
  • 13:29 I derive great joy from updating Henry’s LiveJournal. GREAT JOY. #
  • 14:48 Bumpershoots, ‘oots, ‘oots // #
  • 15:36 Today I put my bracelet on by myself. I don’t need you anymore, Henry. #
  • 20:19 You might have heard a rumor about me. But it’s not true. I’m not a copier machine whisperer. Maybe ask someone else for help. #
  • 21:42 Chooch made his first Etsy sale. It’s totally bloating his head. Now he’s all, “I want to paint now!” as dollar signs spin in his eyeballs. #
  • 21:52 For the last 5 minutes, Chooch & I have been intensely discussing candy bars. It was the most adult convo I’ve had in days. #
  • ***
  • 00:18 I need a fluke. No, a flute. No. A fluke. #
  • 10:53 Stumbled across a photo of me from when I was pregnant. Suddenly don’t feel so bad about myself today. #
  • 10:55 Showed the photo to Chooch & screamed, “LOOK WHAT U DID TO ME U LITTLE MONSTER!” He seemed proud. #
  • 14:18 It offends me when people say Chooch looks like Henry. #
  • 16:52 Whoever would have thought one little letter “e” could have so much power. #
  • 17:06 Hooooo boy, a new mehoover post // #
  • 20:49 #pens #sens game is bananas. 6-3 Pens in the second period! I LOVE THE #STANLEYCUP PLAYOFFS!! #
  • ***
  • 08:48 @awoodhick Oh shit. I just noticed you spelled all those words right. #
  • 08:51 Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Pittsburgh now hates Ben Roethlisberger like I always have. Weird to be in majority. #
  • 09:55 My coffee tastes like celery. #
  • 10:41 Me: Today’s Robert’s bday (I don’t have to say his last name for Chooch to know who I mean) Chooch: I wanna see what cake he’s gonna have! #
  • 12:53 Dear Chooch, sorry I burnt your lunch. But what did you expect when you asked for buttered noodles? #
  • 15:28 Chooch just angrily yelled, “Why are those little bitches looking at me???” Probably because you’re acting like u have Tourettes, Chooch. #
  • 16:29 We’ve been discussing porn for the past 15 minutes. I love my job!!!! #
  • 17:16 I think work bf’s name is Andy. Don’t worry, @awoodhick, he’s not one of the lawyers so it’d just be a lateral move. #
  • 21:40 Henry is the wor st business partner ever. #
  • ***
  • 10:36 The Christina Chronicles: The Ambush #
  • 13:52 Fuck you for not taking Chooch to work today, Henry. #
  • 14:07 @awoodhick Ooooh burn. Chooch just said, “Daddy loves Blake more than me.” GOOD JOB DAD. #
  • 21:04 I never ever thought there’d come a day when I’d give someone the larger half of a piece of chocolate. Enjoy it, Chooch. You jerk. #
  • 21:19 OMG my hockey fingernails; OMG this game. #letsgopens!!! #
  • 22:00 I really can’t handle OT playoff games. #
  • 23:41 Fuck that. #
  • ***
  • 00:40 The Penguins might have lost in triple OT but at least there’s a Mint Condition video on VH1’s Soulphrodisiac RIGHT NOW. #
  • 00:44 I don’t remember this guy’s voice being so falsetto. Henry’s was for awhile tonight. I kept kicking his weener while he brushed his teeth. #
  • 00:46 Oh look! Another video with an r&b group wearing matching suits WITH NO SHIRT UNDERNEATH! omg I’m so horny now. #
  • 00:49 I like how sometimes the guy from Silk we ars glasses in this video. And sometimes HE DOES NOT. And WTF ever happened to En Vogue. #
  • 00:52 I think being retweeted by @MeeSoHorny is a good indication that it’s bed time. #
  • 10:16 Chooch does everything by himself. What does he even need me for?? I’m going to the bar. Outtie. #
  • 13:57 Oh thank god for Kohls! I haven’t seen shit splattered on a wall in so long. Probably since I was last locked in the psych ward. #
  • 14:19 OMG Henry’s giving a truck driver directions & I’m trying so hard not to laugh. Ok, I’m not really trying. At all. He thinks he’s so cool. #
  • 18:19 One of the bigwigs just asked, “Why are you working here? You should be out taking photos!” And writing books too, no?! Too easy. #
  • 18:20 I’m really starting to feel like a waste. #
  • 18:58 Shooting Sprees & Chiodos // #
  • 19:09 I’m the least artsy “artist” you will ever meet. Jesus Christ, do I fit in anywhere?! #
  • 21:44 #HABS!!! #HABS!!! #
  • 21:52 The ppl in the booth behind me at Kings are making flux capacitor jokes. I’m making exaggerated laughing faces & Henry scolded me. #
  • 21:56 The old lady behind Chooch is neither amused nor softened by Chooch’s dimpled grin. CUNT! #
  • 21:59 Chooch can write all his letters, every last one! He’s already smarter than Henry! #
  • 22:17 Just watched my son eat his ice cream like a dog. In a restaurant. And I didn’t care. #
  • 22:54 When Hockey & Murder Collide #
  • 23:07 I’d like to punch Bruce Boudreau in his flapping jowls. Of all the #Caps, I despise him the most. He is the TRUE crybaby of the NHL. #
  • 23:46 My cat Don just used his ass to turn the channel from the NHL Network to some God programming. Not feeling it, Don. #
  • ***
  • 02:05 NHL On the Fly’s on in the background & I promise, every time I look up it’s just in time to see #Caps Belanger pull out his bloody tooth. #
  • 10:19 I feel like if it doesn’t reduce me to tears & leave me fashioning a noose out of my sports bra, it’s not really boot camp. #
  • 11:07 Almost bought a pair of stripper shoes. Still considering it because THEY’RE CUTE AND I DON’T CARE. #
  • 11:12 Me: I just won’t wear them to work Henry: Then where will you wear them? To the strip club? FUCKER. #
  • 11:41 Midwestern emo never lets me down. #
  • 12:57 Just bought the new Circa Survive & Henry mumbled “oh boy.” Also bought Chooch the new Friday the 13th for his bday tmrw. Great parenting. #
  • 13:03 Our car is filled with Anthony Green’s voice and Henry looks ready to blow his face off. #
  • 13:05 Fuck Walmart for being the only place that sells How To Train Your Dragon shit. This is the 2nd time in a mth I’ve had to go to Shitmart:( #
  • 13:10 Oh thank God, avoided Walmart. Though I feel filthy and have the urge to say “ain’t” just f rom driving thru the parking lot. #
  • 13:12 Apparently 2 minutes in the Walmart parking lot is long enough to see three men spitting their tabacca with great gusto. #
  • 14:18 It’s amazing I’ve come this far utilizing such poor judgement. #
  • 14:18 It’s amazing how many times it took me to spell “utilizing.” #
  • 14:2 8 Henry to me: YOU’LL BE CRYING IN A MINUTE IF YOU DONT STOP. We’re in love, he and I. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts, actions and tampon-change. Please do not call the FBI.

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