Jan 1

That’s Love, For Real

Category: art promo


McGoogle loves Nutter even in the mornings when she has gray encrustations in the corners of her eyes. He loves her even when she emanates a “straight-from-the-docks” aroma on those not so fresh days. He even still loves her after she had to get her stomach pumped of an entire football team’s love yogurt.

And Nutter, she loves McGoogle too. Maybe not his breath after a night of Snakebites and cigars with the union guys.

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Maybe not the way he can make the duvet rise and billow with the sheer force of his flatulence. And maybe Nutter doesn’t so much love the way his visage can morph from rugged lumberjack into that of a convicted molestor with the simple act of shaving*. But McGoogle, damn if he doesn’t make the best crepes with fresh strawberries and cream on her birthday, and God love him for not beating her with a belt when she wrecks the car swerving to miss a caterpillar.

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That’s love, for real.


* This part was inspired by Henry, who makes me feel sad and also worried for small children every time he shaves. Some men should not be bare-faced! Happy new year to me, I guess.


10 Comments so far

  1. Michelle January 1st, 2009 9:14 pm

    I got the painting in the mail today (actually yesterday but I forgot to check the mail) and he rules! Delia wanted to steal him and kept trying to take him from me as I walked around the livingroom deciding where he should hang.

    Michelle´s last blog post..FREE Subscription to Wondertime

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart January 2nd, 2009 11:39 am

    I’m glad you like him! I made him special for you:)

    Chooch likes the little monsters too. He always says, “Aw, cute” and then I’m like, “Yeah, and you should read the stories!”

  3. NotBatman January 1st, 2009 9:30 pm

    Daddy gets what Daddy wants.

    I don’t say it enough (at all?) because I’m still slaving away on LJ and I’m generally too goddamn lazy to click a link and go to the source (and I’m working on the assumption that you don’t bother to go back to LJ much), but your photos, paintings, and stories are awesome and I’m always enjoying them, even when I’m silent.

    I purchased this one as soon as I saw it. Would you be so kind as to include the story on the back? (Because they’re fun!)

    You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to the intarwubs!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart January 2nd, 2009 11:38 am

    HELLO, you are wonderful! Thank you for the affirmation, it is very appreciated. <3

    I still read you guys on LJ. I just don't have many chances to leave meaningful comments now that I have a job that actually requires me to work! How annoying.

    One of these days I'm going to find a way to make it to one of your parties so I can give you a guys a big hug. Sappy, I know, but I mean it!

    So, the painting was wrapped with a pretty bow by Henry and put in the mail today. I hope you guys like it! Thank you:)

  5. Jessa January 2nd, 2009 4:28 am

    “and God love him for not beating her with a belt when she wrecks the car swerving to miss a caterpillar.”

    That is definitely my favorite part, because that is so me.

    I love the names! And the painting, of course, is kick ass. I was very disappointed when my mother didn’t buy me one of your pieces for Christmas. I’m going to have to save up and invest in one myself, because I’ll be damned if I don’t have something from you hanging on my wall.

    Not to mention, I saw a two-pack canvas set on sale at Michael’s yesterday and had the urge to buy it and see what I could do. You inspire me, girly.

    Jessa´s last blog post..I Twitter Too Much

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart January 2nd, 2009 1:24 pm

    Thank you, Jessa! <3

    Go get those canvases! Ever since I started painting again, I've been a lot less stressed. I highly recommend it!

  7. buenomexicana January 2nd, 2009 1:14 pm

    oh god- i love all these paintings… and the stories.

    this one very much reminds me of people i know.
    and NOT just the shaving part.

  8. Tuna Tar-Tart January 2nd, 2009 1:23 pm

    I know, I DO have that horrible fish-stench affliction.

  9. buenomexicana January 2nd, 2009 1:26 pm

    not quite what i meant… jerk.

  10. Tuna Tar-Tart January 2nd, 2009 4:09 pm

    It was an easy set-up!

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