Jul 25 2009
#28 of the company I keep
This is what I have been doing:
- blogging for charity
- baking loaves of magic bread for sick children
- stirring gruel in a pot to later serve to the homeless
Meanwhile, these assholes are lounging out, watching TV. So you know what I did? I turned all of the spotlights on and shone them on their dumb faces, and those lights BURN like INTERROGATION LIGHTS, so what’s up.
The people who live behind me are having a bonfire. We live in the city. They have already had one fire in their house, so I suggested to Henry that he maybe call the police, so then I can have something to write about and rap FUCK THA POLICE AT THE SAME TIME.
I think there is some saying about that, involving two town tramps and a stone.
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I suggested to Henry that he maybe call the police, so then I can have something to write about and rap FUCK THA POLICE AT THE SAME TIME.
I’d kick those two out of your apartment. Do it!!!
And then tell them you love them. And that you want them to come back. And that you miss them terribly.
do it………