Mar 6

Eleanore stuff

I learn a lot from Eleanore’s personal calls. Tonight I learned that ADHD is a disease. And that she knows crime inside-out because she watches "First 48." So, if crime had an asshole, she would know if it’d been bleached or not. Because that’s how well she knows it.

Then she was talking about her friend Sherman. "Do you remember my friend Sherman? Real ugly, dark-skinned?"

I hope my friends describe me as ugly, too. Probably not dark-skinned though.

The other night, she got all riled up because Bob used ‘ghetto’ as an adjective. "What does ghetto mean to you, Bob? I’d really like to know." She just kept asking him over and over and I was becoming fearful. In my head, I was shouting, "No, Bob! Don’t answer her!" He didn’t and life went on, thankfully.

Earlier tonight she was telling us, "There’s only three things I got to do: be black, pay taxes, and die." It was pretty fucking awesome.


4 Comments so far

  1. lady proxy March 6th, 2008 8:53 pm

    Eleanore is a hoot.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart March 6th, 2008 11:46 pm

    A very quotable hoot!

  3. merrymerry March 7th, 2008 1:41 am

    holy hystericalness

  4. Alyson Hell March 7th, 2008 8:48 am

    “Earlier tonight she was telling us, “There’s only three things I got to do: be black, pay taxes, and die.” It was pretty fucking awesome.”

    Eleanore is by far my favorite work character.

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