Apr 9 2008
No more Collin. No more Bob. All I have in my company now during these long nights are Eleanore’s scissors and loud rap music; Kim’s incessant complaining and motorcycle discourse.
Look how sad those chairs are! Just sitting there, no one to move their wheels, static and empty. EMPTY. EMPTY LIKE MY HEART.
I might kill myself. Or find another job. Right now I’m too lazy to achieve either, so probably I’ll just whine a lot about being bored and alone and abandoned.
You know, the usual.
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It is too quiet!
When Eleanore clips coupons, I fear for my life.
For the past two nights, she’s done nothing but clip coupons and talk to “Pee-Pop” and I really thought I was going to shoot myself!
i’m sorry!!!
i guess when you think about it, I’m basically just back where I started?