Feb 12 2011
Pens/Isles 2-11-11: A Fucking Nightmare
I don’t even know why I’m posting this, it was such a gross night for hockey. If you’re not a hockey fan, just know that this is not what games look like, pretty much EVER, in modern hockey times. The Penguins went into this game as a team decimated with injuries, fleshed out with a chunk of AHL players, and left the ice with even less of a team. I get that there was the need for retaliation after last week’s game, but only the Islanders could have served it up like this.
I guess this is what you do when you have no chance of winning the Stanley Cup. They are fucking disgusting, classless pigs and an embarrassment to the league and I want to fight all of their beer-swilling, derelict fans.
By the end of the game, I think we were down to 2 guys on the bench, a player and a coach with a suspension, and over 300 minutes in penalties between the two teams.
Crosby and Malkin, I fucking miss you.
I was so stressed out last night that I was considering looking for my own fight, which is probably why Henry quietly slipped away and went to bed.
I’m getting my finger tattoos changed up a bit today and am really craving the pain.
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The aftermath has been just as crazy. More drama than a soap opera!