Dec 012011


Chooch stayed home from school today, which means I was able to get absolutely nothing done. It was basically one baby taking care of another baby.

I really knew he was sick when he asked to watch “Twilight,” never mind the fact that he was up puking most of the night.


Don’t worry, he’s already halfway to his healthy douchebag self.

I know this because he just said he wants the Crapitals to beat the Penguins.

Little fucker.

  5 Responses to “Chooch Gets Sick, Impedes Upon My Daily Routine”

  1. You two seriously crack my shit up.

  2. Haha Twilight. I’ve never seen it, but I know I could never sit through it. Now if Edward were a ZOMBIE & trying to eat Bella’s face, then yea. I’d go to town on it, but that’s not the case, is it :P

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