Oct 19

A Glenn Buffet


 Iron Lung Glenn (Barb’s fault), Glenn or Glenda Glenn, Humpty Dumpty Glenn, Chicken Pox Glenn, Jesus Glenn, Hannibal Lecter Glenn (Chooch guessed this one right away, which was my indication that I didn’t need to write who he is on the front)


 Chiquita Banana Glenn, Brony Glenn, Jonny Craig Glenn, Mary Poppins Glenn, Britney Spears Glenn, Richard Simmons Glenn.


 Nurse Glenn*, Mork Glenn, Howard Stern Glenn, Sherlock Holmes Glenn, Rudolph Glenn, Blurry Phantom of the Opera Glenn.


 Judge Judy Glenn*, Tight End Glenn*, Ex-boyfriend Glenn, Tinman Glenn, Santa Glenn, Popeye Glenn.

(*Barb’s Glenns)

Seriously, we sit here at work and laugh like lunatics over the tiniest Glenn. The Glennspiration never ends!! For instance, today I made a Zsa Zsa Gabor Glenn and as soon as someone picks him, he’s going right up next to Crooked Cop Glenn. I saved him a spot.

If there’s a Glenn you’d like to see, please leave your suggestions! I’ll be making these until Halloween! (Octavia, if you’re reading this, I made you a Stay Puft Glenn, but either no has gotten it yet, or it’s being HOARDED.)


Last night, Henry and I were sitting on the couch, watching “Vampire Diaries.” I was also diligently making new Glenns and suggested that Henry make one too.

“Bitch, please! I’m too busy waiting to see if Damon takes off his shirt!” Henry hissed at me.

Seriously, Henry has admitted that Damon is The Hottest Vampire of All Time. I posted that on Facebook and all these broads started yelling at Henry for being wrong. It was pretty funny. For me, at least.

Way to end on a non-Glenn-related note.


9 Comments so far

  1. Maya October 19th, 2012 7:32 pm

    Crap I left my list of Glenn’s on your LJ and my stupid phone won’t let me copy/paste them here. Too lazy to retype!!!

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart October 19th, 2012 7:37 pm

    Just looked — I haven’t done ANY of those! I particularly like Ziggy Stardust!

  3. Octavia October 19th, 2012 8:33 pm

    Those hoarding hoarders! I’m still sad that Glenn or Glenda went under the radar :(

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart October 20th, 2012 10:46 am

    I’ll have to make another Stay Puft. Chris finally got tired of everyone yelling at him and relinquished his Glenns, but he didn’t have that one, so there are MORE hoarders out there!

  5. Misty K. October 19th, 2012 9:55 pm

    How about a Henry Glenn, Barack ObamGlenn, Glenn Skellington?

  6. Sandy October 19th, 2012 10:23 pm

    Dora the Explorer Glenn? Clockwork Orange Glenn? California Glenn?

    I like Brony Glenn a LOT. And the ex boyfriend one is awesome.

  7. kendahl October 20th, 2012 8:50 am

    Ken Doll Glenn? That’s about all I’ve got. I am loving these!

  8. Michelle H October 20th, 2012 11:34 am

    Phantom of the Opera Glenn kind of looks like Pee-Wee Herman Glenn. Which you should totally make if you haven’t.

  9. Tuna Tar-Tart October 20th, 2012 11:50 am

    I have a Pee Wee but everyone thinks it’s Dracula.

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