Jul 10

Agitated Tweets

Category: tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 09:35 My family pulled through and paid off a loan I took out for them. Shock and gratitude make me feel giddy.#
  • 10:02 Great. Chooch just learned about blood and stabbing. Surprisingly, not from anything I did! #
  • 16:07 what would possess someone to trim their nails at work. you can’t wait till you’re home to do your grooming? disgusting.#
  • 17:45 I’m not taking my time anymore #
  • 19:32 I’m going to answer every question with "wasabi." At least for the next three minutes. #
  • 19:37 @buenomexicana horse semen. #
  • 20:51 I want to be sexually harassed in a foreign language. #

  • 07:54 Wish I had a Neil Diamond in my pocket. #
  • 09:34 Krush Groove only got one star? But Sheila E was so GOOD in it? #
  • 14:27 Maybe if we turned every meal into Freezepops, Chooch would actually eat. Beef stew freezepop, coming right up. #
  • 16:12 I sold my favorite painting today. So sad. Wouldn’t be so bad if I could visit it. Maybe get monthly updates, Christmas cards. #
  • 18:54 Sometimes coating a Slip n Slide with mashed potatoes and going hogwild sounds like a fine idea. Next game night’s featured attraction. #
  • 19:45 I work with school children. #
  • 12:06 A beautiful day for shutting down. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.


5 Comments so far

  1. merrymerry July 10th, 2008 1:28 pm

    09:35 HOLY CRAP!!! I’m so happy for you!!!! Seriously!!!

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart July 10th, 2008 1:34 pm

    CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I can’t! My faith has been restored.

  3. Alyson Hell July 10th, 2008 1:30 pm

    Which is your favorite painting?

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart July 10th, 2008 1:36 pm

    Circus Combustion. I don’t know why, but I was very attached to that one!


  5. Bueno Mexicana July 10th, 2008 5:32 pm

    oh god… cutting nails at work!??!
    that IS disgusting.

    all your paintings are awesome.

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