Feb 1

Wordless Wednesday: Don-Don

Category: Wordless Wednesday

A/k/a: Elephant, Jesus, Golilla, Donagal, Puppy Time, and Pierre.



On the other side of the blog: There are 5 unanswered questions for Henry rotting in a draft. That’s the last time I ever pre-pay him for ANYTHING.


3 Comments so far

  1. Dusti February 1st, 2012 9:06 am

    I think you just need to be more subtle about it. Maybe ask him when he’s half-asleep. Or slip your queries into casual conversation.

    ..Or throw rocks at him until he answers.

  2. kendahl February 1st, 2012 10:55 am

    Glad I’m not the only one who gives my cat three hundred nicknames. Don Don looks like a boss!

  3. Andrea February 2nd, 2012 1:20 am


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