Jul 12

One of a Million Frowns of the Day: Warped Tour

Category: Frown of the Day


The “Oh, I Can Already Tell I’m Going to Love This Band, & Yes I’ll Be Speaking in Fluent Sarcasm All Day” frown.

This is a conversation we had when standing in line:

Henry: “Taking Back Sunday is here?”
Me: “Yeah. Duh.”
Henry: I thought just Geoff [Rickley] was?”
Me, annoyed: “He’s in THURSDAY!”
Henry: “Oh. Yeah…”

This update is brought to you by TOMS tan lines and Henry’s desire to sit down “for a minute.” Ciao for now!


4 Comments so far

  1. kendahl July 12th, 2012 11:30 am

    I really wanted to go to Warped Tour this year but didn’t make it. My favorite band was skipping SLC anyway, so I guess it’s alright. I am still jealous you got to go, even with Mr. Frown. Actually, I think that might make me a little more jealous.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart July 12th, 2012 8:18 pm

    See? Yet another reason why I like you so much! People always make me feel like I’m stupid for still liking Warped Tour as an “adult.” I’m like, “Who cares if I’m an adult? I wanna do things that make me happy! Sorry for liking music.”

    Which band is your favorite?

  3. kendahl July 13th, 2012 2:43 pm

    People are just boring, that’s all. Warped Tour is amazing. I really love Rise Against but they were touring during the first part of Warped Tour, when it came to Utah. I still would’ve gone but I had no one to go with and I’m too anxious to go to something like that by myself.

  4. sherri July 23rd, 2012 8:09 am

    music is the reason for breathing (except for maybe that dumb Barney song)…. i can’t believe people don’t get that! it doesn’t matter what venue or event… music… it’s all about the music

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