Oct 13

Tweets reportedly drowned in river behind bait shop

Category: tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 12:42 I need a sidekick. One that doubles as the voice of reason. #
  • 13:31 @buenomexicana sidekicks don’t live 5 hrs away. #
  • 15:23 I want to spray paint HOLY SHIT on the bathroom wall but I can only imagine how Henry will react. All the more reason to forge ahead. #
  • 15:51 The bait shop has a poster of the Marlboro Man adhered to the storefront. #
  • 15:52 I leave early for work so I can stalk a bait shop. This is what my life sans college has been reduced to. #
  • 15:56 Wish the bait shop would stalk ME. Though I think if I come here often enough, I’m bound to witness a murder. #
  • 16:43 The AP lady says she likes Mondays bc its a chance to start fresh. She’s the kind who’s likely to wind up gutted & strung from a tree. #
  • 20:45 Dm fondabruises THANK YOU!! The coupons came today! #
  • 23:28 What kind of shoddy restaurant doesn’t offer PIE???! #
  • 23:30 When our waitress said “we have a lovely dessert menu” she was either being sarcastic or talking about the font. #
  • 23:46 twitpic.com/flxi – THIS douche is here again. #

  • 11:35 Bank teller caught tailend of my convo where I said “splash some blood on the dress, rip the ends up a little”. #
  • 11:35 With wide eyes she told me to have a nice weekend. #
  • 11:36 I guess she knew I wasn’t talking about a halloween costume #
  • 22:18 My all-time favorite haunted house didn’t open this year. Will shed blood from my wrist in its honor. #

  • 11:06 Still wanting to donate some of my calf muscles. #
  • 12:16 I think I found the perfect prom dress. #
  • 13:02 http://twitpic.com/fwgp – Like they’ve never seen a menu before. #
  • 15:35 Aside from henry & I breaking up for the 3262nd time & my grandma going to the hospital, this weekend was the limit, like really swell. #
  • 20:11 My bro and his friends have been stealing shit from my mom’s neighbor’s yard and hiding it in her garage. She thinks she’s going to jail. #
  • 20:30 23: amount of times my mom has referenced YouTube, MySpace, and BlogTV in the 20 min I’ve been here. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.


9 Comments so far

  1. buenomexicana October 13th, 2008 1:44 pm

    # 11:35 Bank teller caught tailend of my convo where I said “splash some blood on the dress, rip the ends up a little”. #
    # 11:35 With wide eyes she told me to have a nice weekend. #
    # 11:36 I guess she knew I wasn’t talking about a halloween costume #

    one of the many reasons i love you so much.

    this weekend was too short for my taste.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart October 13th, 2008 10:45 pm

    It was a good weekend.

  3. Bill October 13th, 2008 4:28 pm

    Dude, I thought of you this weekend. I went to the Realm of Darkness, my first haunted house in a while. It was pretty cool.

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart October 13th, 2008 10:46 pm

    I’m glad you made it to one! DID YOU CRY??? :)

  5. Molly October 13th, 2008 4:53 pm

    Oh my God, seriously, steal the Marlboro Man poster. *Swoon* I have a tin sign of the Marlboro man hanging on my kitchen wall. We make love daily. Need. Want. Must have. Haha.

    Molly´s last blog post..I’m begging you, seriously.

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart October 13th, 2008 10:47 pm

    At the very least, I will score a photo of it for you! Perhaps the dinginess of the surrounding store front will add some charm to it!

  7. priest October 13th, 2008 8:18 pm

    I aways felt like i was a decent voice of reason but definitely not sidekick material.

  8. Tuna Tar-Tart October 13th, 2008 10:48 pm


  9. priest October 14th, 2008 12:30 am

    ouch, that was a bit much don’t you think :)

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