Dec 16

Tweets are waiting for RSVPs

Category: tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 14:16 The Family Christian Store is very crowded today. #
  • 15:22 It has been two hrs since Janna has viewed her evite and she has still not rsvp’d. Off with her head. #
  • 16:04 I think I’m trying to do too much. #
  • 20:27 Just went thru some old shit from my high school writing classes & holy fuck was it embarrassingly horrible. There’s been no improvement ha. #
  • 22:49 Game Night has been scheduled. There will be pink balloons and Baileys. Possibly bloodletting. TBD. #

  • 09:26 Its like the Omen theme should cue up every time Chooch enters the room. #
  • 09:35 I’m learning lots by being a parent. Such as, my frustration threshold is the same as a toddler’s. #
  • 09:40 Most times I don’t figure out Blue’s Clues until the very end. And even then, sometimes I’m like “wait—what?” #
  • 10:44 I’m one Etsy sale away from the 100 sale milestone! That’s a big deal for obsessive ppl with no lives. (I.e. me) #
  • 11:22 Shit. Chooch wants a burger for breakfast but I don’t cook meat. Also – I don’t know how to cook meat& there’s the potential 4 death. #
  • 12:41 and also by breakfast, I meant lunch. I do not withhold food from my son until noon. I swear. #

  • 09:37 I got an offer to have one of my designs bought by a letterpress studio. WHAT. #
  • 11:14 I wish I was more knowledgeable on the topic of swamps. #
  • 11:21 Today’s unavoidable parental qualm: arguing over Ms and Ws. “NO, THAT’S AN M, STUPID!” #
  • 11:21 Disclaimer: that quote was from my son. #
  • 12:30 Hello. I broke 100 sales on Etsy. I never thought I’d see the day. WHERE ARE THE BALLOONS. #
  • 12:35 Too many decent things are happening. Where’s the eviction notice? Meteor on my car? Wino waiting to shank my sternum? #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.


4 Comments so far

  1. sarah mascara December 16th, 2008 8:59 pm

    today i found a letter you wrote to me like… six years ago. it was interesting. hehehe.

    sarah mascara´s last blog post..Writer’s Block: Loved Ones Afar

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart December 17th, 2008 12:35 am

    Oh Christ, I can only imagine!

  3. buenomexicana December 17th, 2008 9:42 am

    congrats on the 100 sales!! that’s fucking awesome!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart December 17th, 2008 12:43 pm

    Thank you!!!!!! It gave me something to smile about, and you know, for me that’s unlikely.

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