Mar 27


Category: contest


And the winner of a custom bathroom plaque is:


Thanks to everyone who entered! I’ll have another contest soon, because contests are fun and make me feel like God. (Not really. I only feel like God when I wear a robe and shoot lightning bolts at people from my window.)

Also, I want to thank my friend Ally over at Onyx & Alabaster for blogging about me! It’s a real ego-swelling write-up so she’s my new bestie. Check out the rest of her blog; it will make your ring finger itch. Usually, after I look at her blog, I sit and stare at Henry in silence, diamond-less and with a droopy bottom lip. And then I think about how my only chance at nuptials at this point is to become a mail-order bride.



6 Comments so far

  1. sarah mascara March 27th, 2009 1:30 pm

    gaddammit she only commented six minutes before me.

    i wish i could quit you, erin!

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart March 27th, 2009 3:57 pm


  3. Misty March 27th, 2009 4:48 pm

    Yay! Jen. Congratulations.
    And, once when I really wanted my bf to marry (before I trapped him in my clutches and he realized he WOULD marry me) I was going to marry myself and change my last name to seersha which means “independant” or some crap.

  4. jen March 27th, 2009 5:31 pm

    OMG! I never win anything. I have this in my LJ and when I saw my name at first I was like Oh someone did some meme thing. LOL But YAY! This is so cool! THANKS!!!

  5. Ally March 28th, 2009 7:59 am

    Thanks for the blog love! Maybe I’ll post one of those redneck weddings that Tom Arnold has a show about and Henry will get on the band wagon (so to speak)?

    I once saw an episode where a girl was going to marry her step brother, so their step mother told her that she could substitute ziplock baggies for condoms if they ever ran out. It was miraculous. A must watch if you’re feeling bad about your life.

    Anyways, thanks again. :o) You drove tons of traffic my way! :o)

  6. Francesco March 28th, 2009 2:52 pm

    everyone cheated except me

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