Nov 22

Chooch + Iceburgh

Category: chooch,Guest Post

Barb gave us tickets to go to the Hockey Game! We win every time I go to the game. We won 4-3! I always look for ICEBURGH because he is beautiful! Mommy told me Barb has “FEELINGS” for #9 “Pascal Dupuis”. I was like what do you mean “FEELINGS”?

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! Then that’s when I figured she meant Dupuis was Barb’s BAE!

Picture of us WINNNING!!!!! YAYAYAY thanks Barb for giving us tickets for a game we won in!

Picture mommy took of me standing in front of Iceburgh! Couldnt get next to him so just took that picture.

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Then when the game ended I wanted to take a picture with Iceburgh, but some lady took one first, SHE TOOK 2, TWOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Than another dude wanted a picture. So he asked mommy to take it, while she did that I tried to sneak over to get beside him. But apparently the way I snuck through was a PRIVATE Area. Some usher yelled at me and said I wasn’t allowed to be there.

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But the game ended what would it matter? So then I had to go all the way around. SO I ended up not getting a picture with him except for the one at the end!

Mommy said that Iceburgh is a dick but I won’t say that because I still love him!

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1 Comment so far

  1. Alyson Hell December 8th, 2015 11:32 am

    “But apparently the way I snuck through was a PRIVATE Area. Some usher yelled at me and said I wasn’t allowed to be there.”

    Excuse me, but if there wasn’t a sign saying PRIVATE or UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL PROHIBITED, it wasn’t private, and that usher was out of line. Man. Cranky pants usher.

    Did you have any popcorn at this event?

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