Oct 4

my bloody-nosed life

Category: Shit about me


 I’ve been out and about the past few days. Thursday, Christina and I went to Cleveland to see Brand New and Manchester Orchestra. Let’s just say it was not the best of times. We came back to Pittsburgh on Friday and I sacrificed an entire hockey period to go to  Hundred Acres Manor, one of several over-priced haunted houses in the area.

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At least we didn’t get herded through with one of the many groups of obnoxious teenagers standing in line with us, and there were a few good scares, but there was a fucking chainsaw guy in the maze near the end and let me tell you, I hate chainsaw guys. In fact, one time last summer, we were driving around in a country-ish area and somewhere in the woods I heard the rev of a motor and screamed so loud. Henry goes, “That was a dirt bike, you asshole, not Leatherface” because he knows me well enough to understand why I freaked.

So this piece of shit chainsaw guy is pacing around near the maze’s exit and like frightened rabbits, we keep backtracking because neither we, nor the two girls with us, want to meet this fucker face-on. But finally, I’m like, “This is fucking ridiculous. Doesn’t he know the fucking Penguins are playing?

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” So I used Christina as a SWAT shield and we barrelled through. Never did run into him, but the fumes from his ‘saw made my stomach hurt and I considered suing. Or at least writing a letter. Because you know, I love writing a good letter.

Keeping with the theme of scary things, Henry and I went to my friend Lisa’s wedding yesterday. Weddings make me feel so nervous. I think it’s the whole church aspect. But I didn’t implode, dissolve into a mound of sinful ashes, or contract a loud case of hiccups. What I did do, however, was lose my shit when Lisa and her dad appeared at the beginning of the aisle, when I saw that she was crying. I did NOT want to cry. I kept saying I was going to. But that was all it took and then I was panicking because I didn’t bring tissues and what if my nose started to run or worse, BLEED, because I’ve never had a bloody nose in my entire life but that would be my luck to celebrate my first nose bleed while God is looking down on Lisa and Matt but then I started thinking that if I ever get married (will have to dump Henry first for that to ever happen), how fucking awesomely gory would it be to get a bloody nose while all a’mermaid in a white dress? I’m sure the list of volunteers to punch me in the face on my wedding day would be staggering.

And it made me laugh a little, because the first encounter I ever had with Lisa was at the 8th grade Halloween dance, when she was threatening to give me a bloody nose because I was bullying one of her friends. I remember not feeling too threatened, but I’ve always gotten weak-kneed thinking about my nose bleeding so I was like, “Great, thanks for ruining this already lame dance with that thought, Lisa.” Somehow, she and I became friends and seventeen years later, I’m sitting in a church pew, listening to a minister Freudian-slip about husbands sacrificing their wives instead of lives, and freaking out that my nose is going to spontanteously hose Lisa into a bridal Carrie when I meet her in the receiving line.

Also, I’m expecting my period so I guess I’ve just had blood on the brain lately. Well, that and all the amateur blood transfusions I got lined up for this week.

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7 Comments so far

  1. Blue Shirt October 4th, 2009 4:18 pm

    The fumes after that freaking spinning thing were particularly nauseating!

    I like this picture a lot. You’re pretty.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart October 4th, 2009 4:50 pm


  3. Michelle October 4th, 2009 5:24 pm

    I just heard that Detroit has the biggest concentration of haunted houses in the country. Not to mention we have the largest walk-thru haunted house in the nation too. You should totally come visit. I’ll take you to Erebus!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart October 5th, 2009 7:20 pm

    Aw, I wanna go!

    It seems like every year, another small haunted house closes its doors because it can’t compete with the big corporate haunted attractions that herd people through like cattle. It makes me sad! We used to have a lot of good ones done by various VFWs. I miss those ones.

  5. Andrea October 5th, 2009 12:19 am

    I’ve never been to a haunted house due to my overwelming fear of being manhandled. I think if some weird guy brushed up against me, innocently and on accident, I would lose my shit. Paul says they grab your ankles while you’re going up stairs. I fall up stairs all the time all by myself. Meh.
    I haven’t ever had a nose bleed either. Now I have something new to worry about, so thanks, you sexy thing!

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart October 5th, 2009 7:22 pm

    They’re not supposed to touch you, but some of them do get a little carried away! I usually get hurt all on my own by getting all frantic and falling down steps/into walls. I don’t know why I keep paying for this shit!

  7. Alyson Hell October 6th, 2009 2:20 pm

    “Henry goes, “That was a dirt bike, you asshole, not Leatherface” because he knows me well enough to understand why I freaked.”

    “listening to a minister Freudian-slip about husbands sacrificing their wives instead of lives, and freaking out that my nose is going to spontanteously hose Lisa into a bridal Carrie when I meet her in the receiving line.”

    Tolhursting so bad!

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