Nov 29 2009

Random Picture Sunday. Nostalgia Edition

Category: nostalgia

Before eating dinner on Thursday, Henry and I hung out in the living room while my brother Corey and Chooch hung ornaments on the tree. Corey took a break and acted like it had been decades since he moved out of our mom’s house (and not just barely over a year) by rifling through all the drawers and cabinets.

“I forgot I used to hide stuff in here,” Corey giggled as he pulled out two photographs from the old roll-top desk that my mom uses more as an aesthetic piece of rustic art than functional furniture. “I used to take horrible pictures of you and then hide them, haha.”

I vaguely remember being bombarded by surreptitious  camera flashes. I do not remember ever seeing this pictures*** though, but I suppose that’s the point.

The sad thing is, while I’m sure I would have hated them then, now I’m wistfully thinking, “Aw, before pregnancy morphed my body into a fleshy bag of potatoes.”

My eyebrow was pierced in the hair-dye one, so that means these are from 1998.


Baked beans?


I still enjoy a good catalogue.

Corey also unearthed my old summer health class folder, the same one you’ll not remember I used as an instructional manual on resuscitating my dead rabbit, Rudy.


The front of the folder informs the reader that “Erin <3’s Andy” though it is suspiciously penned in boyish handwriting.


There was really no point to this other than to remind myself that life is too short not to laugh at ourselves.

[*** “This pictures” –  I love how stress makes me type like English is my second language. Or maybe that’s more retardation than stress. Who cares at this point.]


5 Comments so far

  1. Francesco is ALWAYS OFFENDED by everything you say!exclamation! November 29th, 2009 8:12 pm

    so true!
    I am so hilarious.

    Baked beans and catalogs!

    Chooch is growing too fast. I can’t like it

  2. Jenn November 29th, 2009 10:28 pm

    I love the expression on your face in that first picture. You’re so beautiful, then and now!

  3. Tuna Tar-Tart November 30th, 2009 11:24 am

    You’re too kind, Jenn! :)

  4. Andrea December 2nd, 2009 2:04 pm

    I swear I have photos with that same expression from the eighties. Except I think I’m eating a loaf of french bread. I love my carbs.

  5. Alyson Hell December 3rd, 2009 8:37 pm

    I don’t know why, but I can’t stop laughing at your caption, “Baked Beans?”

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