Aug 28

Tuesday Taemin: Door

Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes when I need to get my mind to stop reeling, I watch live performances of Taemin and I feel so recharged after. The last week has been a whirlwind of emotions that have finally started to drop on my head like bricks so I’mTAEMIN’ING IT UP IN HERE.

I could watch this a million times and never tire of it. Not only is that song beautiful, but the dancing is fucking exquisite. Taemin is a gift to us all.

I know a lot of people don’t like watching these videos because they’re not in English but this video has subtitles so if you’re gonna dive into some Taemin, now’s a good time!

I’ll be back tomorrow (probably) with the rest of my Holiday World panderings, hoo boy!

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