Jan 29

Somnambulant Valentine

Category: art promo

Perhaps the serial killer Valentines over at my non compos shop are a bit too extreme for you? Don’t worry, because I have new Valentine paintings over at Somnambulant. They feature the same poem from last year, because people seemed to really like that one, but a new theme.

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(I am not too proud to admit that I was watching America’s Best Dance Crew when I felt inspired by the dance crew Ghost.

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Of course they were eliminated right off the bat and TRUST ME, I will avenge them.

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If you will be my Valentine
I’ll get you drunk off wine
Buy you 20 thousand carat rings
To make your fingers shine

If you will be my Valentine
I’ll erect for you a shrine
Coated with a gilded glaze
Topped with the heart of a swine

If you will be my Valentine
My mom won’t have to hear me whine
And I’ll no longer have a need
For this binding roll of twine

It like, really flows, don’t you think? God I’m such a fantastic poet. Look for my chapbook to be released in 2044.

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. Janna January 31st, 2010 3:42 am

    I’m really sorry I’ve been neglectful of your posts recently. This is painting is so so adorable. It and the poem really make me smile!

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