Jan 7

Last Book Round Up of 2022: December Disappointments lol

I read at least 10 books a month all year until we arrived at December. Then my motivation petered out bigly. I had a lot of stress that month too so I’m sure that played a big role.

Anyway, let’s get this over with.

  1. Paper Girls: The Complete Story

The only good thing about it was that there was a Monster Squad poster in one of the characters’ bedrooms. Otherwise, this was a complete waste of my time. Not one memorable character. Extremely confusing plot. One star only because Goodreads doesn’t let you go lower than that, lol.

2. The Winners – Fredrik Backman

One of the best books I read all year, no contest. Backman did not disappoint with this third and final installment of the Beartown series. I was already quietly weeping before anything either happened and if you read book one, you know who is going to die in this book and even that didn’t prepare me for the absolute GUTTING that occurred when that time came. The way I ugly cried. The way I am tearing up again, over a month later, just by writing this.

This is such a dork alert, but one of the things I’m so excited about for our trip next summer is buying a copy of Beartown in Sweden, Backman’s home country. I just feel like that would be so special!

If there is only one thing you ever listen to me about, let it be Beartown. I will be singing the praises of this series for the rest of my damn life.

GO READ IT!! Bobo and Benji will be in your heart forever. Trust.

3. Fleishman Is In Trouble – Taffy Brodesser-Akner

What a shit book. I didn’t care about anyone in this. Narrated by Fleishman’s friend for some reason. Boring. How was this turned into a TV series? SAME WITH PAPER GIRLS?!

One star. Do not recommend. I hate-read every page and then hated myself for doing so. This was very deserving of a big fat DNF but nope, dumbo Erin had to go and waste her time reading until the end.

4. You’re Invited – Amanda Jayatissa

I was excited because this was set in Sri Lanka and I thought it would pander to my wanderlust but it was so fucking dumb. Not thrilling. Unlikeable characters. Stupid plot.

5. On a Quiet Street – Seraphina Nova Glass

Megan saved December by lending me this domestic thriller reminiscent of Desperate Housewives and I was into it! It was really just what I needed: entertaining, twisty, tense, exciting. A pretty solid ride. Would recommend!

6. An Anonymous Girl – Greer Hendriks & Sarah Pekkanen

I still don’t know how I feel about this one. It was a quick read, it kept my attention, but…there were things that didn’t add for me in the end and I was sort of walked away from this book confused and moderately unsatisfied. OK, I definitely didn’t love the ending. But the plot itself was interesting and suspenseful, and there were times when I actually felt a little scared and stressed out.

Some of the chapters are from the POV of a therapist and I really appreciated the way those chapters were written. This was my second book by this writing duo and I do enjoy them. But this one possibly had a bit too much going on and was also extremely far-fetched which, you know, I don’t mind that very much – don’t most of us read books to escape reality anyway?

7. Home Sweet Christmas – Susan Mallery

I didn’t realize this was #2 in a series until I had already started reading it but apparently, each book also works as a standalone. This was fine. VERY light, low drama. It follows four residents of a small town called Wishing Tree – two women, two men – who eventually pair up and begin relationships after resisting for most of the book. Of course, conflict / misunderstandings arise for both couples, but SPOILER both duos prevail in the end.

Super saccharine. A very light and easy read, even easier to forget afterward. I already forget everyone’s names haha.


Happily, I already started 2023 off with a five star book, so fuck off, December.


2 Comments so far

  1. Kara January 10th, 2023 10:06 am

    I loved The Winners. Really really loved it. But I was so sad the whole time, not only because of what happened, but because it was also the end. Im so not ready to let these characters go. I want more Beartown!

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart January 10th, 2023 2:04 pm

    I want more too! A spin-off, anything!

    The tension of knowing that THE BAD THING was going to happen, knowing since the first book, was so painful. What an unforgettable series.

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