May 3 2008
Urgent. Will die without reading.
- 14:07 Henry better put on his Molly Maid cap and whip this house into shape before I lose my mind in all the clutter. #
- 14:25 Gonna try to get myself kidnapped this weekend. Alley at midnight or smeared with the scent of trust fund at a truck stop? #
- 14:44 Wrapped a polka dotted scarf around my ankle. Henry said it looks real dumb. Hope it catches on. #
- 15:19 I hope ppl will think I tried to slit my ankle. #
- 15:44 whatever my current plague is, it’s making my hands shake, which is not conducive to things I need to do. Like, you know, exist. #
- 18:05 I just really can’t deal with Eleanores voice when I’m sick. Unforch, she’s on the phone forever. #
- 18:36 Kim just pointed at my anklace (HAHA) and said, "What r u trying to be, Sha-Na-Na?" and I died. Except that I still live. #
- 18:36 Or ankerchief??? #
- 18:49 Henry, who was 1/2 asleep when i left, just emailed me and asked "Were u dressed weird when u left?" IT’S NOT WEIRD ITS AWESOME. #
- 19:43 I want to have a guild of some sort. What do u do in guilds? #
- 22:20 Now every time I listen to Olivia N. John I hear her daughter Chloe. I mean, not that she’s on regular rotation. Just "Magic" #
- 22:39 Whatever happened to baby Jane Child? #
- 00:12 I have nowhere to go. #
- 11:23 Henry said I smell like anger. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.
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ankerchief? that pwns.
it must be pretty bad if you even smell angry…