May 7 2008

Tweets and a FUN FACT

Category: tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 10:03 When I vacuum, chooch gathers his valuables and sits in a corner, looking forlorn. I laugh. #
  • 16:29 for some reason, i texted "i love you" to henry today. i feel weird now. #
  • 18:22 My music doesn’t go as loud as I need it to right now, and it needs more rage. #
  • 18:28 @spacecoaster somewhere, the Antichrist was born. #
  • 22:35 Im pretty sure the new cleaning guy here was just let out of the state pen. #
  • 23:09 i could really go for a rousing round of drunken and disorderly duck duck goose right about now. next game night, anyone? #
  • 09:36 I need a good scandal in my life. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter . Now you can rest easy, knowing my inner most thoughts and movements.


FUN FACT: In my twenty-eight years, I’ve been covered with ants on two separate occasions and on two separate limbs. I was not pleased either time.


12 Comments so far

  1. merrymerry May 7th, 2008 5:55 pm

    what? why were you covered in ants? *shiver*

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart May 7th, 2008 6:07 pm

    I don’t know what made me think of this, but the first time was in Florida — I stepped in an anthill and had them all up my leg.

    The second time I was walking up steps and had my hand on the railing, which was swarming with ants, which in turn led to my ARM swarming with ants.


  3. merrymerry May 7th, 2008 6:08 pm

    all my hairs just stood up!!

    were the ants in Florida fire ants? if so, lucky you didn’t get bitten!

    eeeeeeeepp…seriously, i have goosebumps and that weird feeling like something is crawling on my neck!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart May 7th, 2008 6:14 pm

    I dont remember if they were fire ants, but I would probably remember being bitten, so I don’t know! It’s funny, because I can vividly remember the stupid mesh pool shoe thingies I was wearing, but nothing else really. I was nine, I think.

    Bastard ants.

  5. Rachy May 7th, 2008 6:10 pm

    OOHHHHHHHH! My favorite game in the whole wide world is duck, duck, goose.


    oh ho ho, it’s just so fun. :))))))

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart May 7th, 2008 6:17 pm

    I haven’t played in years!! Strong urge to rectify that though.

  7. merrymerry May 7th, 2008 6:10 pm

    okay, i feel stupid.

    when i comment here, and you reply, and i want to reply back to you…do i reply anew or do i reply to the comment i originally left?

    sorry i is dum.

  8. Tuna Tar-Tart May 7th, 2008 6:16 pm

    You can do whichever makes you happiest! Either way, I’ll get it. However, I do hate the way the comments are set up. I wish it was threaded like on LJ. It probably COULD BE if HENRY WOULD LOOK INTO IT.


  9. laurapalmer813 May 7th, 2008 6:50 pm

    That “I love you” thing sounded cute, so I texted Greg with “Love you” today. He called like 3 seconds later with “what’s wrong??” HAHAHA!

    Best. Idea. Ever.

  10. Tuna Tar-Tart May 7th, 2008 7:59 pm

    I must be losing my edge because Henry didn’t bombard me with a torrent of questions, just a simple reply of “i love you.” WTF?!

    That’s awesome that you did it too:)

  11. Bueno Mexicana May 8th, 2008 6:25 pm

    # 16:29 for some reason, i texted “i love you” to henry today. i feel weird now. #
    # 18:22 My music doesn’t go as loud as I need it to right now, and it needs more rage. #
    # 23:09 i could really go for a rousing round of drunken and disorderly duck duck goose right about now. next game night, anyone? #
    # 09:36 I need a good scandal in my life. #

    why do i smell crisi?
    crisi is a real word isn’t it?

    i want to play duck duck goose-
    just not grey goose.
    that gives me flashbacks of that vodka and cranberry…

    i digress- your twitters still rule the internet.

  12. Tuna Tar-Tart May 8th, 2008 6:34 pm

    Oh wait until you get the next set of Tweets. They have CUCKOO OMG SUICIDE WATCH written all over them.


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