Mar 8

Pendant Alert: Ya’ll Gots Some Birds Up In There

Category: art promo,Etsy Promo

When Milly came calling on Ethel one afternoon, she was a bit unnerved by the soft plopping sensation she kept feeling on her shoulders.

Milly tried not to look distracted while Ethel yammered on about the new compost pile her husband Jim-Bitch had engineered right there in the backyard, next to the rusted 1967 pick up truck and behind the pig sty. As more gentle plops landed upon her shoulders and gingham’d bosom, Milly tightened her grip on the mason jar of moonshine Ethel done served up. Trying her darndest to retain eye contact, she waited for Ethel to get up and whip her kids before flicking and swiping at the hardening lumps on her shoulders.

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Twenty-eight minutes into her visit, Milly was taking a long slurp of ‘shine when something wet and mushy went splat-squish on her head. And then, a second later, a thick brook of warm goo glooped right on down her forehead, right on past the whisker-sprouting mole, before pooling into a moist inlet of fecal marsh at the bridge of her nose.

Looking up slowly, Milly was met with ruffled feathers and at least eight sets of beady eyes.

“Ya’ll gots some birds up in there,” she drawled to Ethel, pointing up at the rafters. And she took another long gulp of moonshine while Ethel went to town with a leather belt on the backside of her redheaded stepson for burying the neighbor in the brand new compost pile, goddammit.

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New size pendants up in here! Measuring 1.22 x 1.22″, a print of my original painting Ya’ll Gots Some Birds Up In There has been miniaturized and sealed with resin so that you can have your own piece of lilliputian art to string around your neck.

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Or the neck of your dog. Or perhaps you want to dangle it from your rear view mirror. This thing was practically made for dangling. Get yourself one here.

Chain not included, just in case the dangling gets weird and verboten; I don’t want to be held responsible.

1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. The Zany Housewife March 8th, 2011 8:37 pm

    Adding this to my birthday wish list. I’m a big lover of the feathered variety.

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