Aug 28

Gatlinburg: 1st Full Day

Category: travel

Henry: “The Smokies are pretty big, you know.”
Me: “Yeah, like your asshole.”
Henry: “I don’t even know why I talk to you.”


We’re here! The trip down was not very eventful, except for THE MYSTERY HOLE which deserves its own post and I will do that when I’m home since I can’t get the pictures off the camera and am relying on my good ol’ iPhone to write this.

However, we did almost wreck minutes outside of our destination when some douchebag knocked over a traffic cone in front of us on the highway and Henry swerved into a barrel trying to avoid it.

I printed out two pictures of Jonny Craig to keep at my bedside while here. Henry was perturbed & disturbed by this, and threatened to stay home.


We did some grocery shopping in Pigeon Forge this morning and you know I hate that shit but no way was I passing up the chance to snicker openly at the Tennessee drawls dripping like honey over the Food City intercom system. However, Chooch and I were being a bit rowdy, maybe running around too much, because I began to notice that we were on the receiving end of some nasty glares from other patrons. So we left and went to some souvenir shop next door where I got a wonderous Jesus pen (he’s real Big In Tennessee):

Then Chooch got yelled at by a cashier because while I was trying to pay, he found an axe and was running around the store with it. True story.

Later, we followed Bill, Jessi and Tammy to downtown Gatlinburg which apparently is owned by Ripley’s. We had JUST gotten out of the car when Chooch bit down wrong on a candy bracelet and tears instantaneously sprung from his eyes. Then he was embarrassed because his idol Bill saw him crying so he started crying even harder.

I was able to calm him down and then Bill gave him a piggy back ride, which brings us to injury #2. Bill was bouncing Chooch up and down and didn’t realize that he had stepped underneath a store front roof and bashed Chooch’s face right off it.


BIG TEARS ensued. Because I’m such a great friend, I pointed out that this was the second time Bill had injured my kid via Piggy Back.

Bill bought him ice cream to make up for it and then took him to look at a mini golf course after he spontaneously started sobbing because he misses our cat Speck.

Later on, a cashier in another store asked, “Who knocked you upside the face, boy?” and we all joyfully got to point at Bill.

I guess I shouldn’t be so smug considering I turned out and smacked him in the OTHER EYE with my big fat camera. (Injury #3, if you’re using a scorecard.)

More BIG TEARS ensued, but at least there wasn’t an audience for that one compared to the veritable Dinner Theater that Bill had.

Chooch almost fell down a flight of steps too.

(Chooch, when you’re taken away from us & dumped in foster care, please try to remember the good times.)

In between all this, we went into some optical illusion exhibit where Bill slammed a door in Henry’s face, I bought some cheap but amazing rings and AMISH PEANUT BUTTER, Bill had his palate scorched by salsa and I had to try to be sympathetic but really I thought it was pretty funny, and Henry scanned the area desperately for a barber to shear his luscious Kristy McNichol locks.

Tennessee rules.


8 Comments so far

  1. Andrea August 28th, 2011 7:13 pm

    Thank god you posted this! The suspense was killing me! And poor choochs face :(. I promise not to manhandle him while I’m there

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart August 28th, 2011 7:22 pm

    Knowing Chooch, YOU could be the one sporting a shiner!

  3. Bill August 28th, 2011 7:13 pm

    You have no idea how badly that salsa fucked me up. That shit needed a warning or something. My revenge is that you now have to hear about the glow in the dark mini golf place all week!

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart August 28th, 2011 7:21 pm

    Ugh that fucking mini golf place!!! Hillbilly Mini Golf or nothing!

  5. Henry August 28th, 2011 7:15 pm

    You forgot the part where you and Chooch pouted for an hour.

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart August 28th, 2011 7:20 pm

    Fuck off, McNichol.

  7. Sue Stonick August 28th, 2011 7:45 pm

    lol. Absolutely too funny…comments afterwards included!!

  8. Wade Morris August 30th, 2011 9:50 am

    Damn……this had to be one of your funniest posts yet. You and Henry happend upon some of the goofiest shit ever. And yeah I’m guily for smacking, elbowing and otherwise physcially abusing the kids in an effort to be cute or otherwise funny when were out!! Though just a warning: wait til Chooch gets older, taller and stronger. Now I’ve been the victim of errant elbows, flailing arms(and legs), and one vicious ridgehand to my adams-apple(my oldest and 2 friends broke out into ninja mode, while in the Mall).

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