Jan 19 2012

LiveJournal Icon Nostalgia and Pining

Most of you guys that read this thing know me from LiveJournal. Remember my icons? Motherfucker, do I miss them. I wish I could use them on here.

This was one I used for my fake journal about Sam, an amputated leg:

I showed Carey that one at work just now and she said there is something wrong with me, which means she’s jealous that she doesn’t have a friend like Sam, who obviously loved to loaf with rollerskates.

Some of my favorites from Henry’s fake journal:

Henry really loved his ex-Faygo boss, Ted. You know who else he loved? Some goddamn John Black:

Here are some of my favorites from my main LiveJournal. Goddamn, do I miss them.

Jumping B-Listers:

Before Jonny Craig, I had the hots for Danny Bonaduce:

This one makes no sense other than to illustrate my hatred for Angelina Jolie. (TEAM ANISTON ALWAYS):

Not only do I <3 OJ, but I also cure herpes:

Tammy Faye shout out:

This was inspired by a daydream I once had and used to make Chooch cry:

I really liked Bob Uecker:



Keeping the killers close to my heart:

If anyone knows of a way I can incorporate these into WordPress, please holla. I miss them so much and if I had a use for them, I would start making more and more and MORE AND MORE MOREMOREMORE.

(I ate a candy bar a little while ago and my brain is now spinning wildly out of control.)



7 Comments so far

  1. Misty January 20th, 2012 11:16 am

    It would be nice to be able to have these icons as stickers and stick them on people throughout the day.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart January 21st, 2012 11:22 am

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if the stickers moved, too?

  3. beezuskiddo January 21st, 2012 7:24 am

    If I were high-tech enough, I’d actually paste the gif of this into my comment, but my all-time favorite icon is from the LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER sketch with chris farley swinging his arms back and forth…

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart January 21st, 2012 11:23 am

    Ha! I remember that one. I was really weird about only using icons that I made myself, because clearly even back then, I had little else going for me.

  5. Brandy January 24th, 2012 6:25 pm

    I’m dying over these. I have no clue what LiveJournal even is but I hope you can figure out how incorporate them some how. That Danny Bonaduce one is superb I can’t stop watching it.

    Team Anniston forever!

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart January 24th, 2012 6:41 pm

    LiveJournal is a community-based blogging platform. I blogged over there for 7 years before getting my own domain on wordpress. It was nice because it was way more interactive – you could easily add friends and their posts would show up on your “friends page.” I miss it sometimes because it feels so lonely over here on this blog, and I can’t use those goddamn icons anymore! :(

  7. Brandy January 26th, 2012 2:24 am

    It sounds pretty great. I bet it would kick Blog Frog’s ass for sure. I always feel great when I stop by your blog, you don’t make me feel alone.

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