Nov 2

a big day

Category: Uncategorized

Today marks the first time ever that I submitted something to a literary magazine and I feel vomitous.

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I didn’t do it so much to get published, because I have realistic expectations, but more to get myself over this fear so that maybe in the future I can do it again.

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I don’t know how confident I am about the essays I submitted, but I like the bio I wrote!

Erin Kelly is a student and a full-time employee of both a data processing company and her maniacal toddler.

She’s not afraid of turning 30; has a penchant for pumpkin pie Blizzards and collecting art that scares her; and has celebrated Christmas in a cemetery, complete with convenience store egg nog and Moon Pies. At least once a day, she hears the phrase, “Oh honestly, Erin.”


Janna said she wants to celebrate the fact that I finally traded in my diaper for training pants.

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