Dec 26 2011

Oh Honestly, Happy Holidays!

Category: holidays

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Here is the card I made that hopefully is now safe to post on here. It’s a smorgasbord of shit that pops up on the blog.

In no particular order: Wacky Worm, Law Firm Lamb Cake, Ugly Dancer, Warped Tour*, cemetery shout out*, rollerskating, best/worst picture of me + deodorant commercial guy, bait shop, ghost hunting, pig mask, JONNY CRAIG. I sent this card to some people who don’t read my blog and I’m sure they were thoroughly confused. Maybe you are too, which is why there are handy hyperlinks to click. (* Do I seriously need to explain these ones, though?)

I already had the first batch sealed in envelopes and ready to go, and then Speck died. I felt so guilty that Marcy was on the card, and not her, that I made Henry print out stickers with her face on it, then I ripped open every envelope and added her to the cards. For the second batch, I had him photoshop her into it because it was breaking my heart to look at her every time I peeled off a sticker. (For the record, that is the ONLY part of this card that Henry contributed to.)

And now, thanks to the suggestion of my friend Octavia, a larger version of the Jonny Craig angel has been printed out, taped to a straw, and shoved down onto the top of our tree. It’s glorious!

Andrea said her favorite part is how I’m protectively clutching Chooch’s arm, because that would never happen in real life. This is so true!

Thank god Christmas is done-zo for another year.


2 Comments so far

  1. Andrea December 27th, 2011 11:13 am

    Greatest card ever made

  2. Cholo April 2nd, 2012 6:08 pm

    So awesome. I love the cards in your shop, too!

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