Sep 27


Category: tweets

Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 14:56 Henry made me laff twice in a row. The world must be ending. #
  • 17:17 The womens room at my job smells like a freshly baked strawberry pie in the middle of Kensington Gardens. #
  • 17:32 Some driver just said, “what r u, about 20?”. PLUS NINE. I love that guy now. #
  • 21:07 Tonight I worked with two women who exchanged chicken piccata recipes over top of me and I hoped they wouldn’t ask me for mine. #
  • 21:48 CHOOCH POOPED ON THE POTTY. I cheered so loud, he thought he was in trouble.


  • 13:17 The spelling errors I’ve been making lately have been so embarrassing; I must have suffered head trauma without knowing it. #
  • 10:25 My son just called me a pain in the ass. Henry is glowing. #
  • 11:54 I haven’t been this emotional since I was 15. #
  • 12:02 Going to visit my old place of employment. Its been over 4 years; I guess I’m ready. #
  • 12:21 Low grade panic attack. #

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1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. buenomexicana September 27th, 2008 1:42 pm

    17:32 Some driver just said, “what r u, about 20?”. PLUS NINE. I love that guy now.

    well- you DO look young!!

    … still proud. 300

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