Feb 26

A Conversation about Downtown Fruit

“Everyone at work said there’s nowhere to get good fruit downtown,” I told Henry in a sneering voice.

“Everyone? Everyone who?” Henry smirked.

“The whole department*! They all said ‘tell Henry to go fuck himself!’ So go fuck yourself,” I said, patting him on the stomach.

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“Do I have to prove all you fuckers wrong?” he said, beginning to get all up in arms.

“Even Barb said so, and she’s well-versed in Things That Are Downtown,” I said, but Henry had already enlisted his phone to solve the problem.

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“Rosebud!” Henry shouted, the glow of his cellphone screen spotlighting his tired, yet smug, face.

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“It’s on the corner of [streets I don’t know]!” He gloated about this for a few more seconds before mumbling, “Oh. Never mind. It’s closed.”

*(4 people.)


2 Comments so far

  1. Michelle Henry February 27th, 2013 10:54 am

    Darn it, Erin! Now you’ve made me remember the autosodomy videos I watched recently.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart February 27th, 2013 12:50 pm


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