Mar 062013


Henry’s mom was discharged from one hospital and then admitted into another a week later. We went to see her on Saturday and she seemed mostly OK, if not extremely irritated to be back in a hospital. (She was discharged last night, most likley prematurely, so please cross your fingers or say a religious spell!

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Anyway, before we left on Saturday, I made Chooch go into the hospital chapel with me (and not just because I wanted holy souvenirs, really!).

“What, someone left their DIARY here?!” Chooch cried. I explained to him that it was like God’s guest book and he left a little note about his grandma.

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I love that he didn’t capitalize “god.”

  2 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Church Diaries”

  1. OMG…..that is so sweet. :)

  2. Chooch has pretty good handwriting for a young boy. More legible than my husband’s. I hope Judy gets better! Hospitals suck.

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