Dec 20

Denny & Potted Tweets

Category: art promo,tweets


Denny hurt his friend Brenda pretty bad. He told her that her prom dress made her look like she was jaundiced.

“Orange always does that to me!” she sobbed.

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t wear orange anymore?” Denny suggested, in spite of the frantic waves and throat-cutting motions of their friends.

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The next day, Denny told his mom about it.

“And I just can’t afford for Brenda to be sore with me,” Denny finished.

“Her friendship must mean so much to you,” Denny’s mom cooed, rubbing the back of his scruffy neck.

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“It’s not that, Mom,” Denny continued, an annoyed tinge to his tone. “She promised to get me a fake ID so I can go to the new strip joint in town.”

And so that afternoon, armed with a pot of apologetic flowers, Denny rang Brenda’s doorbell.

As Brenda danced around the peace offering, sniffing each bud, Denny hoped she wouldn’t notice that two of them were orange.


Urgent. Will die without reading.

  • 18:14 I wish we all drove bumpercars. #
  • 18:33 I’d like Drake and Josh, if Josh wasn’t in it. OVERACTING does not equal FUNNY. #
  • 23:16 I just told someone to have a grilled cheesey day. Oh, if ever there was a moment that should be stuffed in a paper shredder…


  • 23:19 the fucking serial killer xmas card factory has been officially SHUT DOWN for the season. Manson was the big seller this time around, fyi. #
  • 11:48 I’m just going to start letting spellcheck change all my “fuck”s to “duck”s. What do I care. #
  • 11:48 In a world without Gilmore Girls and Felicity, its hard to care about much at all. #
  • 11:55 I love metal detector commercials. #
  • 12:30 I feel like 8 years of blogging and now its like 7th Heaven – should have been canceled after the first season. #

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1 comment

1 Comment so far

  1. buenomexicana December 22nd, 2008 10:45 am

    23:16 I just told someone to have a grilled cheesey day. Oh, if ever there was a moment that should be stuffed in a paper shredder…

    i love that saying.

    i also love denny!!

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