Dec 25

Cemetery Christmas

It appears cemetery photo shoots on December 25 became a tradition without me knowing it. Here’s hoping Chooch passes it down.



The rest of the set is here.


7 Comments so far

  1. Stacy December 26th, 2007 3:09 pm

    i <3 the pictures of your son in the cemetery!

  2. Tart December 26th, 2007 7:22 pm

    aw, that’s sweet of you to say!

  3. Chooch's Buddy December 26th, 2007 6:29 pm

    blown up and framed, this photo would make a fantastic addition to any room.

    how freaking cute. creepy. but- cute.

  4. Tart December 26th, 2007 7:21 pm

    Thank you for giving a shit!

  5. Fonda Bruises December 27th, 2007 10:44 pm

    I love cemeteries! Did you know that I designed memorials for 8 years? I used to work across from Calvary Cemetery on Saturdays for years!!!

    Great photos as usual!

  6. Tart December 27th, 2007 11:04 pm

    I didn’t know that!! That just upped your cool factor by like, 28273487234 tons. (And you were already way cool in my book!)

    I like Calvary, but I don’t go there very often. I always forget about it! I did, however, fall down a snow-covered hill there a few years ago. Lol.

  7. Casandra December 30th, 2007 3:16 am

    These are really cute, his smile is just melting! When’s he going to grown some hair, though? :) Hope things are going okay.

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