May 14

Tweets: Of Missing Cats, Vampiric Sons, and a Slaughterhouse on Skates

Category: tweets

Earth-shattering updates throughout the day. Please try to continue breathing while taking it all in.

  • 16:43 Caught Chooch dropping some sort of crumb into my coffee, & it’s awesome to wonder how often he does that without my noticing. Yummy. #
  • 16:50 I chose the exact moment my shirt was completely soaked from the rain & clinging to my tits to meet my new (male) neighbor. Classy. #
  • 19:04 – I was told by Chooch to take this picture and “twitter” it. #
  • 20:55 Attempting to distract myself with a crossword puzzle. #

  • 09:51 My cat still hasn’t come home. Time to start inundating the ‘hood with pleas. (OMG plz be alive, Nicotina.) #
  • 11:45 Bait shop owners are liars. #
  • 14:11 Leaving beverages unattended in the presence of Chooch render them undrinkable. Fuck. #
  • 14:54 Welsh rabbit might be something I’d be willing to maybe try to attempt to make someday perhaps who knows maybe. #
  • 17:42 A cat search party consisting of a 29 year old retard and a 3 year old with old man hearing is not very condusive. Saw a bunny, though. #

  • 10:04 Chooch, if you know the name of the song, why do you ask? Oh yeah – to act self-righteous when I don’t know it. #
  • 10:47 God gave me hair so that one day my son could wipe his snot with it. #
  • 12:11 This is the happiest I’ve been in years, not for any particular reason either. #
  • 12:39 Brb, buying an albino. #
  • 14:23 @saucalisha this may be the best idea you’ve ever had. Well, aside from friending me on LJ. #

  • 19:08 Mama’s pouring herself a nice big glass of wine for this. #
  • 19:20 @daboogmang it’s going to be Fleury’s game! (I hope.) #
  • 20:14 OMFG #letsgopens #
  • 21:21 Best night ever: Penguins are a skating slaughterhouse AND my cat Nicotina came home. #
  • 21:29 – The reason she ran away in the first place. #
  • 21:44 Now I’m almost glad the Penguins lost game 6. That game was brilliant. #
  • 22:06 @daboogmang I got to see one woman drown her sorrows in a hot dog and that made me LOL. #

  • 10:41 Today, Chooch has been demanding to have a bottle of blood to drink. I hope red raspberry Crystal Light will suffice. #
  • 10:42 Or I could just wait until Henry comes home and have him bleed out into a chalice. Son, fetch me my dagger. #
  • 13:17 Does anyone know if Blogathon is happening this summer? I feel inspired to torture my psyche. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter. Now you can rest easy, knowing my (sometimes incriminating) inner-most thoughts and actions.


3 Comments so far

  1. Francesco May 15th, 2009 9:01 am

    I don’t know what’s cooler:
    chooch getting all elizabeth bathory on you
    chooch practicing sneaking things into your coffee

    seriously, when he’s older, I would get henry to test everything you drink before you drink it

    now I know to get him some rohypnol for his birthday

    Francesco´s last blog post..This again

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart May 15th, 2009 1:46 pm

    The other night, he managed to find the biggest knife in the kitchen and was all, “MOMMY LOOK! Dangerous.” And then laughed so wickedly, my ovaries committed suicide.

    Knife has since been hidden.

  3. Francesco May 15th, 2009 2:45 pm

    that made me laugh so fucking hard. and im sick so it created a coughing fit

    just when I think chooch cant get any cooler… haha


    not so much that he’s informing you that he knows it’s dangerous as he is warning you that he KNOWS it’s dangerous hahaha

    Francesco´s last blog post..This again

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