Jul 3

Plants. PLANTS. Plantsplantsplants. #plants

Category: Obsessions

Henry and I are off work today, so we’re going to some large flea market in Ohio that only happens on Fridays so we never get to go because Jobs. (We’re dragging Chooch with us of course and he is pretty surly about this right now.) I’m hoping to find a wheelchair (so that Henry can make me cry when he points out that it won’t fit in the car) and obviously SUCCULENTS. I haven’t bought any SUCCULENTS in like two weeks because I’ve been funneling all of my attention onto my ailing Ted NUDE-gent, but Henry re-potted him and I think maybe he’ll be OK because he hasn’t seemed to have gotten any worse.

So before any new SUCCULENT-adopting happens, I wanted to introduce the Internet to the rest of the ones I brought to their forever home (lol) a few weeks ago.

Heeeeeeere’s Agnes!


Henry bought the virginlicious planter at some thrift shop while Chooch and I were at the Sleeping With Sirens two weeks ago. When he sent me a picture of it, I was like, “Do you even need to ask me!?” Agnes fits perfectly!


Agnes is very sturdy.


I forget what type of succulent she is.

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Suzy Banyon by candlelight. I took this picture the other night because I just wanted to get closer to Agnes so she could protect me when Chooch and I were watching The Exorcist.


This is Yootha Joyce. I like her because she looks like a bunch of stars stacked together.

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Sõrg! Isn’t he a babe? He’s a “Fang” succulent, and sorg means fang in Estonian, apparently; I asked my cabbage dealer. I painted an old candle votive thing just for him and then didn’t wait long enough for it to dry because I’m impatient and Henry got really annoyed, which was actually just a continuation of him already being annoyed about something I had done previously to annoy him because when isn’t he annoyed?


Whenever Gayle found out that there was a Swat situation on my street a few weeks ago, she asked me, “Is it your house? Too many plants in the window?” GOOD ONE, GAYLE!

I will leave you now, my fair friends, with a beautiful song that I think my succulents are really responding to. This joint makes me want to do slow Cabbage Patches all around Henry until he can no longer deny my presence.

Alone. is the side project of Michael Franzino from A Lot Like Birds and it is a thing of beauty, just like my plants.


4 Comments so far

  1. kendahl July 6th, 2015 1:57 pm

    You have the coolest succulents! I really like Yootha Joyce.

  2. Brandy July 7th, 2015 6:41 pm

    Agnes is AMAZING! That is the sweetest thing that he bought that while you were out with Chooch. That song is eerily interesting.

    FYI – I wish you lived here so that you could go to Warped Tour with me.

  3. Tuna Tar-Tart July 8th, 2015 11:30 am

    We would have so much fun together at Warped Tour!!!

  4. Alyson Hell July 8th, 2015 7:54 am

    I love Agnes AND THAT PLANTER OMG! But, I am especially happy about Henry being annoyed as featured in this post. And the thought of slow Cabbage Patches around him. I’d do that with you for sure.

    Also, I’m glad he repotted a succulent successfully without hurting it. What a botanist.

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