Nov 252017

After our visit to the Mattress Factory last Saturday, we walked up the street to hang out at Randyland. If you live in Pittsburgh, you probably for sure know about Randyland because it’s the happiest place around. The owner, Randy (obviduh) bought some dilapidated property in the 90s and slowly turned it into a a giant outsider art masterpiece. We were there on a dreary November day, but even then it was bright and magical. I WILL JUST LET THE PHOTOS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.


Guys. I’m not trying to get your hopes up, but Janna wrote something about needing a new job on her worry card, and she got a new job literally four days later. Chooch and I both wrote TRUMP on ours so maybe Trump will be impeached? LOL BUT SRSLY PLZ.

Basically what the inside of my head looks like, but please add more gold glitter and kpop idols .

Now if you’ll excuse me, Chooch and I bought a 2000 piece puzzle at Target last night and he’s yelling at me because I’m taking too long of a break but hunching over a fucking puzzle hurts my back! Ugh. Have you ever really SEEN Chooch and I working together on anything? It’s not pretty. Not even a little.

  2 Responses to “Flash of color: Randyland”

  1. It may just be the day I’m having, but that “You Belong” sign made me cry.

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