Mar 31 2008

Tina Tina Tina

It’s been a long time since I gave an update on Tina, the fiesty scabby-skinned know-it-all broad who used to work with me on the evening shift but has been busy plaguing the day crew with her inherent bossiness and nails-on-chalkboard voice for the past eight months.

We had one of our monthly meetings today, which is usually the only time I get a good, strong dose of Tina’s aggressive brand of self-righteousness these days. In between thinking about how far behind I am on "Days of Our LIves" and desperately blocking out Tina’s whiny questions and rebuttals, my eyes couldn’t help but glue themselves mercilessly to the strange open wound on her right temple. It was relatively fresh in appearance, the color of raw meat with the sheen of a glazed donut.

At first I thought it was that flesh-eating disease, but now I think it’s probably just where her husband hit her with a candle stick.


9 Comments so far

  1. merrymerry March 31st, 2008 5:24 pm

    oh good god, “the color of raw meat with the sheen of a glazed donut”… that is most nasty.

    poor tina.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart March 31st, 2008 7:11 pm

    sometimes i almost begin missing her, until we have these meetings and then i re-hate her.

  3. merrymerry March 31st, 2008 7:25 pm

    re-hating is enlightening.

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart March 31st, 2008 8:35 pm

    Speaking of, being at the site of my first meetup with a certain crappy jewelry hawker sure made me feel re-hateful.

  5. Janna March 31st, 2008 8:15 pm

    I hope it’s not just an enlarged area of whatever else is usually is wrong with her face. Gross. But the candlestick idea is more appealing isn’t it?

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart March 31st, 2008 8:31 pm

    It’s weird, because her face has been kind of puss-free lately. Maybe it was saving it up for the Big One.

  7. merrymerry March 31st, 2008 9:50 pm

    ha ha


    that pretty much sums it up.

  8. Bueno Mexicana April 1st, 2008 6:55 am

    personally… i miss tina.

    if only for the stories.

  9. Tuna Tar-Tart April 1st, 2008 1:03 pm

    I miss her too sometimes. Even our walks around the parking lot omfg!

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