Sep 1 2021
Autumnal Things I’m Looking Foward To
I know it’s only September 1st and still very summer (although today it’s rainy and with just enough chill in the air that I can comfortably wear SWEATPANTS, yessir thank you very much) but I am already getting the tickley sensation in my belly thinking about upcoming FALL stuff. I’m not a super holistic person but keeping a tidy stack of things to look forward to in the near future is something that has been helping me cope with depression, burn-out, and just general life malaise. It’s not a fail-safe of course and this is not me telling you to flush your anti-depressants and fire your therapist. But this is something that has been helpful for me for a long time now, even though I do have set-backs and sanity slips just like everyone else.
OK anyway, The Doctor is Out. Entertainment Director is In.
- The third season of YOU is dropping on Netflix is October and I am so fucking ready. I haven’t been having much luck with TV shows lately but I know that another season of YOU is going to deliver the creepy goods. Who knew Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl would be so perfect in a role like this??
- Who knows where we will be with covid this fall, thanks to all the SELFISH ASSHOLES in this country. But if haunted houses are safe to attend, I am so ready. It was very sad for me to sit out last season. Yes, some of them were open, but without a vaccine back then, I couldn’t fathom how safe it could possibly be to run through cramped spaces with people screaming all around you. I feel moderately better about it now that we are all vaccinated (bring us the booster though plz we’re ready, stick us good) and will happily wear a mask. I’m hoping to at least go back to Rich’s Fright Farm this October, maybe with Corey and Janna too?? Here’s a blog post I wrote several years ago about my love affair with haunted houses!
- I had toyed with the idea of reinstating the PIE PARTY this October, but that was back when everyone was skipping around in a dream-state after getting vaccinated. Now I just don’t think it would be a good idea. I don’t have the balls to be like SHOW ME YOUR VACCINATION CARD OR A NEGATIVE COVID TEST before allowing my friends to enter the park pavilion. And I know, it’s outdoors and it’s not like the pie parties have THAT many attendees, but…would you really feel comfortable helping yourself to a buffet of pies being loomed over by dozens of people who might be strangers to you and even if they’re not, just because they’re your friend or cousin or priest, doesn’t mean you want to eat pie that they breathed on!! So, this pie’s going on the back burner. BUT! That doesn’t mean that Henry still can’t bake ME a pie. Maybe something like THIS FRESH FIG AND LEMON CREAM TART or THIS KOREAN COTTAGE PIE WHICH COULD EASILY BE MADE VEGETARIAN??
- I haven’t been to the MOVIES since February of 2020 when Janna and I went to see Jojo Rabbit but the Hollywood Theater down the street from me is showing the new Candyman remake and I am considering going to see this, as the Hollywood NEVER is crowded.
- Looking forward to nice, crisp-weathered cemetery walks where I can listen to audiobooks without having sweat stinging my eyes. Also NATURE-Y HIKES WITH HENRY which always feels like a great idea until we get to the NATURE and then Henry starts identifying birds and giving me facts about TICKS and I become fearful of getting shot at by HUNTERS. Maybe sometime in November I would like to explore some West Virginia shit. Who knows.
- Speaking of November, I am excited for THANKSGIVING and I am going to ask/tell Henry that we should host a small family dinner here with his mom and my family? SHOULD WE DO THIS? Maybe? All I know is that I am pressed to go to Dollywood that weekend like we did in 2018 and ISTFG that was the best weekend ever, we had so much family fun that it was actually kind of gross??
- I’m not knocking pumpkin because I do like it even though sometimes I think we get a lillllllllll overboard with the PSL screaming, but what I’m really excited for this season is apple-flavored drinks! I’m not a Starbucks fan by any means but Henry and I had the apple macchiato (their macchiatos are not real though and I will scream this from my self-constructed mountain top until the day that I die!) and it was OK! But the real apple hero is the seasonal chai latte that Black Forge is currently touting, called Hexen. It has cinnamon, honey, violet, and apple in it and it’s SO FUCKING GOOD. It’s so hard to find a good chai latte in Pittsburgh but Black Forge gets it right and I hope that they have a good fall chai latte….brewing. OH!
- Amusement parks during spooky season are so much fun! We don’t even really do the haunt stuff that they have going on but it’s such an atmospheric boost to walk around theme parks decked out for Halloween.
- Oh! I’m looking forward to putting pumpkins on the porch and then watching them rot when Indian Summer’s second wind kicks in!
- I guess I’m looking forward to trick-or-treating? It’s kind of sad now that Chooch is grown and doesn’t want to participate in this shit anymore and also because we live on a street that doubles as a busy thoroughfare so most kids skip us in favor of the streets more embedded in the bowels of Brookline so we don’t get very many kids AT ALL. But I guess I will still put on the spooky music and prop Trudy-in-a-pig-mask near the door.
Welp, now that I’m looking back on this list, I guess I have a lot to look forward to, and I hope you do too! And you! And you and you and you. Maybe not you, though.
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