Jul 22

More blogathon pan-handling

Category: blogathon 2010

Blogathon is only a little more than a week away. I don’t like hounding people (Henry is probably choking on an incredulous laugh right now), which is why I’d make a terrible religious zealot (well, that and the non-believer aspect of my personality too, I guess); but this IS for a good cause. It’s exciting! It’s fun! No, really, it’s excruciating but at least in the end I feel like I’ve polished my humanity a little tiny bit and maybe made a small impact on something bigger than all of us.

So here is the original post again; maybe you want to sponsor me. Maybe you want to stake out a spot in the cheering section. Maybe you even want to participate in Blogathon yourself, which would be fantastic! Maybe you don’t care at all, and that is fine too. (Actually, that sucks, but forcing you to care would be like forcing me to go see Miley Cyrus “live” on stage. I feel ya.)

Thank you so much to the awesome people who have already sponsored me! Don’t forget to claim your incentives! Just drop me a comment or an email: butgavincantdance @ gmail.com


It’s that time of year, you guys! Blogathon time!

This year, the masterminds behind the official Blogathon have pulled the plug on it, quite unexpectedly and without explanation. Luckily, there are people out there unlike me who are good at rising to the occasion and taking charge. So there will be an alternate Blogathon after all! It will still take place on Saturday, July 31st, starting at 9:00am EST and ending twenty-four hours from then. The goal is to post every half hour for the entire twenty four hours, no cheating!

I have done this three times in the past and while it is a BEAST to get through, it’s more fun than anything else, and the end result is so rewarding, even for assholes like me. I always want to be able to donate to charities, to do SOMETHING to make a difference, and annoying the Internet for an entire day is a pretty Erin-perfect way to do so.

This year, I have chosen the Greater New Orleans Foundation Oil Spill Relief Fund. Since there is no official Blogathon site to keep track of sponsors, and to give you guys peace of mind, I have created a fundraising page over at Razoo. This way, you can rest easy knowing that if you sponsor me, the money isn’t going to be put in a Wacky Worm collection pot.

As always, there will be incentives!

  • $10 – you give me a word, any word, and I have to use it in an entry
  • $15 – the aforementioned word to be used in an entry, plus the fan favorite: Have Henry Do Ridiculous Things In Front of the Camera
  • $20 – all of the above, plus I’ll prank call someone for you
  • $30 – all of the above, plus one of my Somnambulant pendants (if you’re a dude, I will just paint something for you if you prefer)
  • anything greater than this, you get it ALL plus I will interview you on my blog. That’s >30 seconds of fame right there!

And remember – if you can’t donate at this time but would still like to help me, please remember to check back here on Saturday July 31st and leave me cheerleading-worthy comments! And tell your friends and family! Or, if you don’t have friends and family, tell your cell mate, parole officer, interpreter.

If you would like to sponsor me, please visit my Razoo fundraising page!

To get a taste of what Blogathon is like ’round these parts, feel free to check out the archive from last year. It’s um, a real treat. For everyone involved. Right, Henry? (For the record, Henry said he’s moving out for Blogathon.)


9 Comments so far

  1. Petal July 22nd, 2010 10:46 pm

    This sounds like the most fun ever, and I’m soooo upset I’m working that day.

    I’m actually not sure how I managed to stumble upon this, but it’s kind of fabulous.

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart July 23rd, 2010 12:22 am

    Well, I’m glad you found me! Maybe it’s because we’re both part of Etsy’s Dark Side?

  3. erica July 23rd, 2010 1:12 am

    Arg I’m going to be in boston that weekend so I can’t participate. I’ve been wanting to get in on that action for a few years now! Good luck with everything, i’ll be cheering you on and following along on my phone! ;)

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart July 23rd, 2010 8:57 pm

    Woo hoo! I’ll be glad to have you as a cheerleader! Hopefully next year you’ll be able to blog along with me!

  5. Tracy July 23rd, 2010 12:21 pm

    How fun! I am putting this on my schedule. I want to be in your cheering section. July 31st I will be checking back!

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart July 23rd, 2010 8:58 pm

    Thank you so much, Tracy! I’ll need all the cheering I can get. It gets soooo tedious!

  7. Kristen July 23rd, 2010 10:51 pm

    There are so many things that happen around the blog world, like really Big things, and I never hear about them until I venture out to new blogs. I wish you much luck. It sounds like quite a challenge, but a lot of fun.

  8. Tuna Tar-Tart July 24th, 2010 12:50 pm

    I found out about it a few years ago from someone on LiveJournal. It’s always surprised me that it hasn’t become bigger over the years. Thank you for the well-wishing!

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