Dec 15

Two Pictures of Me Eating

Category: nostalgia

Some things about this picture:

  • It’s from 2003
  • I am wearing  my mom’s Jackie Sorensen shirt that she got when she attended some gigantic aerobics orgy back in the early 80s at the Civic Arena. (“They put down Astroturf over top of the ice and it was so neat!”) I stole this from her dresser many years ago and have cherished it ever since. Ask Henry – it is so ratty and stained that even a gutterpup would shy away from it. Jackie’s aerobics video is my favorite thing ever. It was made in the leotard-era, has a soundtrack featuring Foreigner’s “Feels Like the First Time” and  some Streisand joint that makes for some excellent stretching motivation, and features a back-up exerciser who bears an uncanny resemblance to Tim Curry’s Frank-n-Furter.
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    I used to get drunk and bust out Jackie-approved moves, such as the taffy pull, in the basement of my old house while my friends watched in horror. The Internet just showed me that there is old school Jackie apparel available for purchase. OH, SANTA I haven’t been very good but I will dole out some oral pleasures for a purple Dancing Queen sweatshirt.

  • I REALLY need my blond hair back.
  • I have no idea what I’m eating, but my hand sure makes a deep bowl.
  • Henry took down my Cure wall-hanging when he was painting last year and never hung it back up.
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    I don’t think that was by accident, either.

Some things about this picture:

  • We were en route to Lancaster in 2003, lol.
  • I was eating pretzels.
  • I have an affinity for showing Henry the masticated contents of my mouth, unprovoked, and he acts like he doesn’t care but we all know that’s secretly the reason why he has stayed with me for ten years now.
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  • Henry has the same pair of glasses only now they are so crooked that he has to slide them all the way down the bridge of his nose just to be able to see. He blames this on me and Chooch for being too rough with him, but everyone knows Chooch and I are delicate little flowers in a garden of patience.

3 Comments so far

  1. Alaina December 15th, 2010 10:29 am

    Gotta love 80s workout videos! My mom was a big jane fonda fan…but man, the leotards…such great fashion :-)

  2. Tuna Tar-Tart December 15th, 2010 7:35 pm

    I still wear legwarmers! Just, not while I’m exercising, lol.

  3. Lalas Pequenos December 16th, 2010 8:40 am

    I secretly want to bring those leotards back. I had one that I wore with fuchsia tights. It had a belt and all. Ahh, I so loved the 80s.

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