Jan 25 2025
on the edge
Checking in to say that this day was initially headed south on the back of a torpedo straight into the bowels of hell – Henry and I had walked to the library and I was struggling to get one of my books to scan out. Henry made some snide observation about how I “always have problems with that” which is actually sooooo hyperbolic because literally maybe only twice? Three times, tops?
“MMMMmmmm….???” Henry grunted in response, with an implied tone of U SURE BOUT DAT.
You guys. It was the sass for me. I big nope. I always hate white men so much and then Henry had to go and throw his hat in the shit-eating misogynist cishet ring? Ah hell no.
I felt the rage surging, nerves trembling to the beat of some gross 2000s NICKELBACK jock jam that was now, in my mind, relaxing the words coming out of Henry’s mustachioed maw.
I slammed the books down, grabbed my receipt and said I AM DONE. YOU CAN DEAL WITH THIS and left Henry behind to bag up my books as I stormed out of the library.
I walked home a healthy distance in front of him. Then I had to wait on the porch because I didn’t have a key :(
When Man let me in the house, I proceeded to storm past him to the kitchen so I could make my lunch and while in the throes of CHEF HELL, every single thing was setting me off and I was slamming pans and then I couldn’t get my container of vegan cheese to fit in the drawer I always keep it in in the fridge so I THREW IT ON THE FLOOR AND LEFT IT THERE while screaming about how I hate men and how Henry should be happy because as usual HIS KIND are in charge so ITS HIS WORLD and then I saw if I had a knife I would have stabbed him in the library.
All the while he was folding laundry at the dining room table. I finished COOKING MY LUNCH (literally I just heat up a pita in a pan and put vegan cheese and Tofurky deli slices on it so when I say COOKING that is pretty much the extent of that. If you want to picture me braising things, flipping patties of indiscernible origins over a high flame, and having flour on my cheeks, that’s fine too though.
While I was eating my pita, Henry quietly walked into the kitchen and put away the container of vegan cheese I had left to die on the floor hahaha.
Anyway, I’m ok now. Henry apologized. I am still a woman on the edge though. Literally I cry everyday whether the origin of the tears are RAGE or SORROW or sometimes a COMBO MEAL of both with a side of accelerated heart rate.
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