Dec 292011

When I first saw this gargantuan Christmas bulb outside of our building, I thought, “Fuck, I hate Christmas.” But apparently when Nate saw it, he thought, “Fuck, I love Indiana Jones.

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” So per his request, Sandy facilitated a quick photoshoot yesterday at work featuring Nate as Indiana Jones and Sean as an evil elf. I was told to show up with my camera, so I did.

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These are just some of the things we do in lieu of working.

I wasn’t back at my desk for more than 5 minutes before one of my co-workers came over and said that she was surprised security didn’t chase us away because only “firm-approved” people are permitted to take pictures out there.

Thank god Nate made me a post-it badge that says “The Law Firm-approved Photog” under my name. TRY AND STOP ME NOW.

Say it don't spray it.

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