Dec 21

A Big Festive Giveaway (triggered by alcohol.)

Category: Uncategorized

The holiday spirit hit me late last night. It was probably one of the several glasses of Merlot talking, but let’s not argue about it. It’s  not often that I get all inclined to do something good, something for nothing, but I really want to give away one of my monster mini’s as a holiday thing. A gift, I guess you would call it; or an apology even, for coming here and reading this shit.

The details:

  • The contest is open until a week from today, 12:00pm EST December 28, 2008.
  • Comment on this entry, and this entry only. If you read this from a LiveJournal feed and comment on that, it won’t count.
  • Make sure you use a valid email address so you can be contacted if winner.
  • Winner will be chosen at random, using
  • I like having contests. They make me feel presidential.
  • The painting will also be chosen at random, but it will be one of the 5x7s, not 4x6s.
  • You can only enter once, else your soul will be mine to play drunken frisbee with.


Entire collection of miniatures can be found here.

Hurry, before I change my mind!


68 Comments so far

  1. Michelle December 23rd, 2008 11:05 pm

    What the heck. I can always use some more Erin art and this would tide me over until I have the $ to buy more!

    Michelle´s last blog post..FREE Subscription to Wondertime

  2. V December 24th, 2008 9:32 am

    oohh, you are always so full of holiday cheer! hope you have a warm and wonderful christmas! xo

  3. Nicholas December 24th, 2008 10:16 am

    Thank God I made the entry deadline.

    I have a proposition though. Perhaps we can handle this painting giveaway like Obama’s senate seat. Ahem, Blagojevich?

    Nicholas´s last blog post..Sugar Rush

  4. Tuna Tar-Tart December 24th, 2008 5:53 pm

    Lol, monster goes to the highest bidder!

  5. "dartfaerie" December 24th, 2008 3:18 pm

    I’m guessing I missed the deadline but really, I missed the boat by not bookmarking this page LAST time I was here damnit! Anyways um if you pick me I promise that my son will probably steal the painting to hang over his racecar bed. Kid is a total art snob, what can I say? ;) Best holiday wishes to you and yours <3

  6. Tuna Tar-Tart December 24th, 2008 5:52 pm

    Not too late!

    Happy holidays to you guys too! :)

  7. elan December 26th, 2008 6:36 pm

    They are a riot, very cute, love the smile greeny blue dude – would be fun on t-shirts or bags.

    elan´s last blog post..On Holidays!

  8. agnoysdecay December 26th, 2008 8:53 pm

    OMG these are adorable!!! I’d like to be with you drinkin that Merlot :P

  9. agnoysdecay December 26th, 2008 8:54 pm

    You’d think I was already drinking…look at my username :P

    agnoysdecay´s last blog post..Day of the Dead Cat Eye Bracelet and Earring Set

  10. Tuna Tar-Tart December 27th, 2008 2:37 pm

    Hey Agnoys! Lol.

    I wanted to tell you that my boss gets so freaked out every time I wear the Michael Myers ring to work. The first time he noticed it, he actually took two steps back and asked, “Should I be worried about my safety? You’re not going to hack me up, are you?” I LOVE THAT RING!

  11. agonysdecay December 29th, 2008 11:54 am

    LMAO Agnoys! What a winner!

    I’m so glad that you love your ring. I wear mine all the time, MM is my love machine! Your poor boss, can you imagine though…to people who see it, what they do think? I might be concerned about my safety too;)

    No hacking people up!

    agonysdecay´s last blog post..Unique Magenta Swirl Art Mosaic-ish Retro Tissue Box Cover

  12. TheTinyTragedies December 26th, 2008 10:27 pm

    Yay I love monster give aways! I’m sooo in :)

    TheTinyTragedies´s last blog post..The Tiny Tragedies Gun Shot Ring

  13. Carrie December 27th, 2008 10:00 am

    I really DESERVE a monster. I think the Commonwealth of Massachusetts would agree and this ankle bracelet is proof that other than Gertie the garrote giver there is no better company for me during this house arrest than a monster.

    Seriously. I mean it. Gimme the monster.

  14. Cristina December 27th, 2008 11:21 pm

    too adorable
    sign me up~!

  15. StaticWhite December 28th, 2008 5:44 am

    Mini monsters go rawr-rawr-rawr.

    StaticWhite´s last blog post..Mini Bunny Foo

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