Nov 30 2013

Black Friday: A Photo Essay


I’ve never been a very big shopper, so Black Friday does not appeal to me at all. I was, however, happy to have the day off work and spent it being leisurely with Chooch. We walked to Cannon Coffee on Brookline Boulevard and got some hot beverage.



Chooch somehow ended up with “100 People Who Are Screwing Up America” or something, and decided to read aloud from the first chapter, which was about shiesty lawyers turning us into a sue-happy nation and it coincidentally started off with a Simpsons analogy. Since Chooch is also OBSESSED with Simpsons Tapped Out, he was fucking thrilled about this.


Came home, tortured Marcy.


Henry came home around 3:30 and I abandoned him and Chooch. My friend Nina was visiting from Virginia and Wendy was hosting a small get-together for her. Everyone was all, “OMG Erin drove here all by herself!” like I don’t know how to drive or something! I just barely get to go anywhere on my own since we only have one car, you guys! I’m not THAT helpless.


Barb was there with her tricked-out boots, and also Sean and Angie who ditched the Law Firm last spring, so I was really happy to see them. Several of Nina’s non-Law Firm friends were there, too, but poor Sean was the only boy…


…so it was inevitable that he learned about Kegels.


Angie and Nina!


This is also the same face Wendy makes when ordering My Pretty Zombie eye shadow.



Barb and Baby Q!


OMG I miss working with Angie so much.

I think Wendy fed me an entire can of whipped cream while I was there. I need a fucking detox!



2 Comments so far

  1. kendahl December 2nd, 2013 2:34 pm

    Marcy and that bandana are a match made in heaven. That last picture of you, with Angie?, is freaking cute.

  2. Brandy December 3rd, 2013 6:19 pm

    Mmmm whipped cream….

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