May 14 2014

Wordless Wednesday, with a side order of words.

Category: Wordless Wednesday

Do people still do Wordless Wednesdays in blogland? I was never very good at those things because I just can’t help myself when it comes to splooging words all over the Internet. However, I’m worn out today. Physically exhausted because I’ve got Shaun T and Jillian Michaels tag-teaming me every morning. Mentally exhausted from work and brainstorming cat themes. Emotionally exhausted because the Penguins shit the bed again this year in the Stanley Cup playoffs, but I think we all saw that coming. So here are some pictures that are (mostly) unrelated to the Dance Gavin Show, Chooch’s birthday party, or hanging out with my Michigan peeps (because they deserve a post of their own).


Marcy, watching her garden grow. This is some “strange plants” kit that I bought Chooch for Christmas two years and then he promptly lost in Hoarder Central, aka his bedroom. He accidentally found it the other day and now there’s weird shit growing. I’m excited for some reason!



One of Bill and Jessi’s gifts to Chooch was getting Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, duh) to give him a shout out on Twitter. One of Gerard’s good friends is a regular at their comic book shop so they asked him if he could make it happen, and HE DID! And then Twitter exploded, haha. Of course, there were all of the kids replying to that, begging for their own birthday shout out (Gerard, I am so sorry!), and then there were all of the retweets and favoriting, and the occasional “Why is an 8-year-old going by the name douche cup?” But the funniest part to me is that now all of these people are following Chooch, who only used twitter once ever, in December 2012, when he said, “There. I tweeted.” He had gotten a Kindle for Xmas that year and I made him a twitter account so that he could talk to Bill, mostly. But he had no interest in it. Anyway, his twitter account is linked to one of my email addresses that I don’t use very often, and it is absolutely stuffed now with notifications of people who are still retweeting, favoriting and following Chooch, five days later. I wonder if people think that Chooch has parents in the music industry. I WISH.

Twitter is so funny.

Side note: the name “douche cup” comes from one time when Bill and Jessi were visiting, I think this was 2009, and Chooch didn’t like the way Bill was putting together a Lego set, so he called Bill a douche cup. There’s a whole book about it!

Anyway, thank you Gerard for making Chooch’s day!



Corey and I went to Coffee Buddha last week (ugh, it’s been one week since the DGD show already!) and I wanted to bathe in my maple curry latte. I wish I had one right now, while watching DGD perform in front of me. Sigh.

I have been obsessed with maple coffee ever since I had it for the first time last June when we visited Alyson in New Hampshire, but I have not had it since. (Thanks for nothing, Peet’s. You motherfucker.) I walked past two of my co-workers talking one night and when one of them mentioned that she was thinking about visiting New Hampshire, I spun around and cried, “THEY HAVE GOOD MAPLE COFFEE!” and then walked away before getting dragged into a conversation. (I needed to go back to my office and listen to the hockey game! Like it really matters now. MORE SIGHS.)



Brookline: Behind the Scenes.

20140514-160428.jpgWhen I was growing up, my dad would always yell “You make a better door than a window!” any time one of us would be blocking the TV. After awhile, it got shortened to “door than a window!” and we would know what he meant. I say this ALL OF THE GODDAMN TIME IN MY HOUSE.



3 Comments so far

  1. kendahl May 15th, 2014 12:21 pm

    Marcy is so dang cute, I just want to cuddle her. I don’t even care about the biting and hatred.

  2. Alyson Hell May 20th, 2014 2:07 pm

    I will send you maple coffee, since other establishments are disappointing you.

  3. Tuna Tar-Tart May 20th, 2014 5:52 pm

    Seriously! The latte I had the other week was amaaaaaazing, but that coffee place is about a 25-30 minute drive. :(

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